Unfaithfully Metalhead
- Jun 25, 2004
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- 6
- 38
but I've made the choice to makeout and um... a little more, with women from time to time just for fun.
I love you!!! Marry me!!!

but I've made the choice to makeout and um... a little more, with women from time to time just for fun.
Throughout history critics of the bible have cited many things that they say prove the bible to be inaccurate. But as time goes on, and more archeological discoveries are made, the bible proven to be accurate, and not the opposite.
It tells of the origin of life. Science has nothing on this matter.
^ And science most definitely DOES have theories, well-supported ones, on the origins of life. To suggest otherwise is ignorance.
Most people need it, otherwise they turn into humanist/materialist/individualist consumers who are far more useless and idiotic than most Christians or what have you.
It does not have a uniform theory... just numerous competeting theories all of which have problems.
Miscommunication... I was actually directing that at AchrisK
The fact is there is no possibilty that their was an Intelligent Designer until the evidence says otherwise. We cannot just assume there was one. As of now there is no eveidence to support intelligent design. I am not a "fanatic of evolution" I am just observing rational fact.Actually, I think you are wrong. I think they wanted it taught as a possible explanation, along side of evolution. Not biblical creationism either. Just the possibility that there was some sort of intelligent designer. This seems reasonable, but the fanatics of the evolution religion cannot stand any explanation that might include a creator.
I don't really get this greater cause thing. The reason Atheists fight so strongly for separation of church and state and against religious intrusion into the schools is that it violates the Constitution and it violates our rights to exist without having to believe. I definititely do not think atheist's are "lazy douchebags" (?)I agree with this, generally on a broader scale, rather than just this forum. Rarely is there any sort of motivation or unity towards anything but pissing on Christian beliefs and reinforcing evolution, and the separation of church and state. Although, sometimes I wonder, what could we do for a greater cause?
It's not just a question aimed at you, but anyone (cookiecutter?) who feels that atheists really are lazy douchebags who amount to little else these days but the aforementioned?
Yes! Even if science had no theories regarding the formation of the Univers/Life it does not necessarily make the one made up thousands of years ago any more true.And just because the bible does it does not make it's theory true. All society's have their own creation myths and none of them are true. In fact the bible's account of the creation has been thoroughly disproven.
He is stating there is no single theory that science can lay claim to as to the origin of the universe. He isn't saying that science is theory-less.
The fact is there is no possibilty that their was an Intelligent Designer until the evidence says otherwise. We cannot just assume there was one. As of now there is no eveidence to support intelligent design. I am not a "fanatic of evolution" I am just observing rational fact.
And Christianity's version of the origin of life is sound?