The great and all powerful religion thread!

Congratulations on being apathetic. Maybe you've forgotten that just a few years ago, people were trying to put "Intelligent Design" into schools and being taught to children as a fact. These are important issues whether you choose to be apathetic or not.

Actually, I think you are wrong. I think they wanted it taught as a possible explanation, along side of evolution. Not biblical creationism either. Just the possibility that there was some sort of intelligent designer. This seems reasonable, but the fanatics of the evolution religion cannot stand any explanation that might include a creator.
At AchristK: I don't mean to be an asshole but when people who are addicted to things like drugs and become Christian they get addicted to Christianity, and that's not always the best thing. They trade one addiction for the other, which is one of the reason you see so many ex-abusers in the churches today.
At AchristK: I don't mean to be an asshole but when people who are addicted to things like drugs and become Christian they get addicted to Christianity, and that's not always the best thing. They trade one addiction for the other, which is one of the reason you see so many ex-abusers in the churches today.

Just like people who use god as a crutch/medical cabinet/excuse.
At AchristK: I don't mean to be an asshole but when people who are addicted to things like drugs and become Christian they get addicted to Christianity, and that's not always the best thing. They trade one addiction for the other, which is one of the reason you see so many ex-abusers in the churches today.

Well, I can see what you're saying. I believe that some people can make that trade with religion, but I do not believe that I did that at all. I wasn't an addict. Yes, I had some psychological addiction at some level to pot. But I mean I was going to school and work and doing fine.

My dad. Well, he was an ok guy and all. He wasn't a whiney needy pathetic druggie. He went to work and took care of us and stuff.

And again, I realize these are things that in and of themselves don't equal much of anything in the big argument. I was asked to tell of some of the things that bring me to put faith in this system of beliefs, and that is part of it. I am typically very leary of experiential theology generally speaking.

I don't think you should be taking any crap for your beliefs. I think people should be free to believe what they want as long as they don't use those beliefs to hurt anyone. Followed in the spirit I believe Christianity was intended it shouldn't hurt anyone, so you're ok with me.

I don't think you should be taking any crap for your beliefs. I think people should be free to believe what they want as long as they don't use those beliefs to hurt anyone. Followed in the spirit I believe Christianity was intended it shouldn't hurt anyone, so you're ok with me.


In general I have found that there are a lot of cool people here that stay pretty respectful when you actually discuss things. Yeah, you know there will be flames from some people on a metal forum, but it's to be expected, and I usually don't let it get to me.

They get people motivated. I could throw a rock in this forum and hit three apathetic atheist retards who will go their whole lives without getting off their asses for a cause greater than themselves, is that much better?

I agree with this, generally on a broader scale, rather than just this forum. Rarely is there any sort of motivation or unity towards anything but pissing on Christian beliefs and reinforcing evolution, and the separation of church and state. Although, sometimes I wonder, what could we do for a greater cause?

Consider the state of the atheist community (I use that term loosely), in the united states, as a whole. All they have really managed to do lately is shove the separation of church and state down everyone's throat. Yawn, where have we seen this case before? Oh, and that one too.

As it is something we should not soon forget, I think this redundant petitioning and whatnot, has brought the public view of the atheist in the U.S. down to an even lower level. After court cases disputing refusing to pledge in class, or taking crosses down from the graves of soldiers... I fear the image of the atheist is reduced to little else but politically-correct pansies.

So, what would you say to these apathetic atheists? What can they do to reach a goal greater than themselves? What is left to accomplish but endure a continuation of cliche marginalization from politicians and the media?

It's not just a question aimed at you, but anyone (cookiecutter?) who feels that atheists really are lazy douchebags who amount to little else these days but the aforementioned?

The fact is that I'm one of these atheists too, but your comment has my full attention, so I pose the question to you, and any that can provide some answers.

(total repeat of the above, but I can't think of a better way to put them together right now :\)
What does it say about about people in general that they need the fear of Hell or the need to appease a god in order to do good for their fellow man? What should a magic man in the sky have to do with being a good person? Arguing that people need church or religion to come together to do good things is arguing that people are assholes.
What does it say about about people in general that they need the fear of Hell or the need to appease a god in order to do good for their fellow man? What should a magic man in the sky have to do with being a good person? Arguing that people need church or religion to come together to do good things is arguing that people are assholes.

People are assholes. Do you ever watch the news?
Fear might drive some to faith, the frail ones anyways. If christianity was wholly based on Jesus Christ, it's continuance could have been a great thing. It's the people inside the religion that ruin it, and bend it's beliefs at their will, and include murder, violence and abolition, all in the name of "God". Abolishing a race or people because of what they believe, and say it is in the name of "God" is true representation of a name in vein. Not some 10 year saying "chirst' when he is angry.
While I understand that you are quoting something... it isn't a choice.

It all depends; sometimes it is, sometimes not. Nature vs. Nurture.

Anyway, I am an Episcopalian, but not really that religious at all. My views are that God did not actually create everything like the bible stated, but started the process with the big bang/evolution and shit. The Bible, IMO, is a collection of stories that may or may not have actually occurred, meant to be interpreted as a guide. A lot of it is bullshit. I greatly dislike many extreme Baptists and Catholics, as they believe they know exactly what happened when we have no idea, and what they think is the be-all-end-all; that's bullshit.

Also, I/ family are Episcos because of the leniency/openmindedness/liberalness of it.
While I understand that you are quoting something... it isn't a choice.

I know what you mean, to people that are homosexual they didn't just wake up one day and decide to be loathed and persecuted. It's as natural to be gay as it is to be straight is that's how you feel about things.

But... I think I'm as straight as they come, I love men, but I've made the choice to makeout and um... a little more, with women from time to time just for fun.