The guys here are in need of help

Karmic said:
And who's saying LOM isnt a hot chick?
yeah you never know with the internet..

my sister dated some guy on the internet for 2 years, before he told her he was really a girl

and i had to travel 1200 miles to find out ct didn't have a penis
all the coughing i was doing on the way home from red lobster was making my butt sting with the green diarrhea that was about to explode out of my pants.
OfficerNice said:
dont need to be defensive. If you're shootin for the pooper,
that's acceptable now. I'm not hatin on your nation.


im defensive?

I always thought i was the offensive type.

at least on the toilet.

no.... but i wouldnt call that defensive. im just trying to find out why your dragging out the whole deal.
maybe by saying that it would make it defensive... but how would i ask?
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i dont see why something so small and meaningless is made into something with even less meaning.

was kind of a waste.


I think i'll go sodomize myself now.
since then no women will ever want to touch me.