
New Metal Member
Jan 16, 2007
So... Im a senior in high school and im writting a huge essay about the metal genre (no so much the music because as we all know there are so many subgenres that just thinking about the variety will make you head spin)...

In my essay im trying to a)prove that metal is a misunderstood and overlooked genre and b)explain why metal fans prefer it over rap.

I've done my research, firstly i'm a metal fan myself (it doesnt get more personal than that) but I have also asked my friends who are into metal why they like it so much and the answer always seems to be
a) I dont know...
b) its more powerfull than other genres
c) i identify with it
well you know what who is to say that metal is more powerfull, a jazz fan may argue that jazz is the most powerfull genre and that they can identify with it... then what makes metal different?....

--> is it that metal is not just listened's experienced and felt (often, quite litteraly)
--> does metal speak to a specific group of people (guys, girls,both, teens, "outsiders"...)
--> consider this...when you were little did you always find yourself drawn to harder music or was it until your teens that you apreciated it...I know I used to think metal was just noise, then I dont even know how I began to listen to hard rock and then it just kinda went on into heavier and darker sounds I began to discover and appreciate what I had before considered I know it's actually quite complex and requires tons of musical skill...but does it take a certain kind of person to be able to apreciate metal?
All you have to say is metal is about FUCK YOU and it does not matter what anyone else thinks because they can fuck off and die.

~total world annihilation~
The captials for the title make me jump right in here.

Hair metal makes me wanna dance and have fun. Its party music and, I like to party. Heavy metal makes me want to break someones face in, and I like to fight.

Rap is talentless and therefore crap.

And what Greys said.....
They can talk fast. WOOHOO.

I'm not saying all of it is crap, I do enjoy listening to some songs. But there is not a whole lot of talent invovled.

But this isn't a rap debate.

Doesnt there seem to be a lot of metal essays we have to answer questions for.....?
I used to haaaaaaaaaate metal when I was a kid. Especially hair metal. This is because I grew up Xtain and everyone thought it was evil.
But then I got into Nirvana, which isn't metal but opened me to HARDER STUFF.
Now I love it because it's so violent and aggressive and has those guitars and drums that sound AWESOME. PLus I love all sorts of music. I was even listening to rap today and I hate rap...
I'd say for most people it was a connection with some aspect of the music - most people can't understand a damn word from various vocalists in any genre - however, it is that style, that technique that gets their attentions (this can be with any instrument). For many it was also the compositional skills/laid back kickass feeling one got just by listening to it. And just doesn't piss them off as much (I get really angry when rap plays...I just don't like it..I know it takes talent (to a degree)...but I just don't 'get it').
Rap is interesting, it has a good beat, stereotypically I should like it but I like METAL much better... aggressive, evil loud growly metal with double bass drums pounding as a person headbangs violently to the point of decapitation.
I think each sub-genre has something different in it that appeals to the listeners thereof. Sometimes this even extends to individual bands within sub-genres. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you may have an extremely difficult time writing this. If you focused on a single sub-genre, like death metal for example, I bet it'd be a hell of a lot easier.
I think each sub-genre has something different in it that appeals to the listeners thereof. Sometimes this even extends to individual bands within sub-genres. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you may have an extremely difficult time writing this. If you focused on a single sub-genre, like death metal for example, I bet it'd be a hell of a lot easier.

I agree.

But.. as for me.... I love the sound. As for subgenres.... there are good acts in every subgenre.
I find it hard to pinpoint exactly why I like metal... or any music for that matter. I guess it's the aggression and diversity you get from this genre that appeals to me, but really it's just that I like how it sounds (as dumb as that looks).

P.S. Rap stands for - Retards attempting poetry. Hahaha