the hate thread

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I hate not being able to walk in a mall without a cellphone person asking me my views on cellphones, and asking why I don't have one,etc.. then going 'Would you be interested if I told you that you could walk away with a cellphone for free right now'.

fuck cellphones,phones, ipods,etc...

I also hate people approaching you wanting to tell you your future,etc...

It sucks the world is just scams and marketing, and a boring dull colonized world. Tear down everything and put your shitty stores on pavement.

I will never understand the appeal of a lot of things that people enjoy. One of these days i'm moving out of the US. I will save money for 5 years if it takes that. I'm sickened by the destruction of humanity.

I hope people who are building get shut down and lose their houses and cars because they can't make payments.
The Greys said:
I will never understand the appeal of a lot of things that people enjoy. One of these days i'm moving out of the US. I will save money for 5 years if it takes that.

this is actually something I plan on doing as well. Or if I do stay in the United States, I'm gonna live in the middle of fuck nowhere.
I fucking hate hotmail at the minute. It keeps trying to run a script that my security settings dont like - the security system that is provided by windows defender that is.

Fucking cunt Microsoft bastards.

Also: why won't anyone let me p/x my Subaru Impreza for a fucking Hyundai? I Just want to buy a decent, cheap car. I don't WANT THE FUCKING SUBARU ANY MORE YOU FUCKING CUNTS. Fucking salesmen are like, "uh, why do you want to part ex it? Are you sure you don't want a sports coupe?"


Sorry. Needed to vent.
I hate being in pain all of the time.
I hate bible-fuckers.
I hate organized religion.
I hate people.
I hate going outside.
I hate Rice, oatmeal, and all of the sort.
I hate Me, especially.
I hate mornings.
I hate men.

AND I hate Sarah Jessica Parker.
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