the hate thread

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ender7227 said:
Not gay at all, it is the truth about this forum. You have to have intellectual input in here to be respected and welcomed. It's part of what the makes the forum good, but also limits it in many ways.

people will never understand that, and continue to post mindless bull shit. then they will get pissed that they get flamed for saying midless bullshit, thus ruining great threads most of the time.
ender7227 said:
I have first luch at 11 and I agree with you on the sucking part. Noone I want to talk to is in A lunch, my giflfreind and my best freinds are in B lunch. Pisses me off. I can't get that fixed due to classes only available one period of the day.
Schedules piss me off.

We have the same A,B,C lunch setup here. It was a bitch when I was in school getting the lunch no one else was in.
Authentic Metalhead said:
I agree. They complain that the threads suck, but they're usually the cause. Bastards. :erk:

Actually, nver a truer word said in this fucking forum.

It's half filled wth peeps who just sit around saying "GREAT THREAD", "PANTERA" or "Wow, this sucks ass". Mostly, they don't even have the good grace to be amusing.

Don't like it? Fuck off! :kickass:
What the fuck is wrong with my picture? The fact that I had an Afro at the time?
Right now my hair is really short. I love it this way.
I heard that a girl in my school was talking about my hair the other day. She was like it's so pretty blah blah blah... unfortunately she's really ugly and she's only a freshman.
I hate the fact that when you put your house on the market to sell, you have to leave the house for an hour each time a realtor brings a person by to look at it. We've had 2-3 people a day come by the house everyday for the past week and it's annoying because there's nothing to do around here.

"So...where are we supposed to go for an hour?"
"Walk around the grocery store."
"...Yeah, like that's not suspicious. Especially when I look like I do."

But on the upside, someone made an offer. :kickass:
Guthrum said:
"So...where are we supposed to go for an hour?"
"Walk around the grocery store."
"...Yeah, like that's not suspicious. Especially when I look like I do."

Look! It's that damn Satan worshiper back to steal more fruit for his rituals!
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