the hate thread

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To be honest good and evil is probably the same thing. The opposite was created to scare people into having to believe in god out of fear. People fear death. When if you die thinking you might not go somewhere good because of your believes naive people take the bait because that's someone at their weakest point because afterlife is unknown and questionable. Either you believe or go to hell. Christian's make it so someone else can't win or have a choice in their own destiny. Christians hint to much at other people going to hell for not believing.

You know the movie 'the village' how everyone since birth are forced to believe nothing exists past their plantation,etc.. One of them believe's that there is something else out their because he's curious and just can not believe something else is not out there because that would be stupid to think this is just it. The ones who run the plantation brainwashing everyone to keep everyone in place by the entity of a mythical creature. The parents know how the world can be awful not wanting their kids to expirience reality. Their kids since birth are bounded by retrictions so they can always keep their innocense without being tarnished and mentally destroyed by a society.

I believe christianity shares a similiar concept.
check this shit out it rolls

Zephyrus said:
Democratic Socialism ftw. :kickass: :kickass:

The only good Christian music I hear is when I go to church on Sunday and we sing classical church music with a professional choir and a pipe organ. My church is one of the few that hasn't given in to the trendy, contemporary cheesy hymns that are so prevalent.

Conservative right winged capitalism ftw :kickass:

Church :headbang:
Authentic Metalhead said:
I hate these new churches. They're so...contemporary. I prefer to fellowship with God without all the frilly nonsense. I don't even think churches are necessary anymore. They've become social gatherings more so than places of worship.
Agreed. Faith in God is all that is required for me and I don't need nor do I want a church controlling my spritual life.
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