the hate thread

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PanzerKunt said:
There is no problem with selling a lot of records, but when they change the music in order to do so it usually turns out bad. Children of Bodom anyone? Satyricon? Dimmu Borgir? Metalolica?


Right on, RIGHT ON

I hate spoilt pricks and even moreso spoilt pricks that brag, show off there spoiltNESS :mad:
I hate getting presents and shit i havn't earned, whats the use of having anything if it wasn't from your own efforts.
Because what you get is mostly shit you don't need anyway, and then there is extra bullshit involved with getting stuff "free" like people going "ow but that time i gave you blah" (yeah when i didn't even ask for it)
If i buy a cd and i get an extra one free, i don't mind that.
But stuff like peoples parents that buy them a guitar, or a car or some shit like that, i couldn't accept it, it would just piss me off. Sounds fucked up but thats the way i am.
Leiland said:
Because what you get is mostly shit you don't need anyway, and then there is extra bullshit involved with getting stuff "free" like people going "ow but that time i gave you blah" (yeah when i didn't even ask for it)
If i buy a cd and i get an extra one free, i don't mind that.
But stuff like peoples parents that buy them a guitar, or a car or some shit like that, i couldn't accept it, it would just piss me off. Sounds fucked up but thats the way i am.

I feel you man, I kinda get a guilty feelin and only think of why I don't deserve what I get, unless I paid for it then I don't give a shit.
PanzerKunt said:
There is no problem with selling a lot of records, but when they change the music in order to do so it usually turns out bad. Children of Bodom anyone? Satyricon? Dimmu Borgir? Metalolica?


Excluding Metallica, I still like all those bands in their present incarnation. Mind you, I enjoy their older works more, but the new albums are still listenable.
I feel my earth shake like an earthquake!

I can see clearer is this me or is this nearer!

I am madly in anger with youuuu

I am madly in anger with youuuu
I hate this stupid kid next door and his stupid go-kart. This go-kart is 5 times louder than a riding lawn mower with the blade down.
on a related note, I fucking hate those "pocket bikes" er whatever they're called. I live above an alley, so of course they go zooming down it every five seconds.
One time I mowed the lawn on sunday night almost in the dark. I wonder if any neighboors were mad!
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