the hate thread

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I hate how so many bands have two guitarists but they all do the samething majority of the time. what's the point ?
Hanger 18 said:
I hate people who dislike a band just because they become successful. 'Sell-out' is a pointless term.

There is no problem with selling a lot of records, but when they change the music in order to do so it usually turns out bad. Children of Bodom anyone? Satyricon? Dimmu Borgir? Metalolica?

I don't mind selling out aslong as the band still plays their instruments and makes it seem they still like playing. Metallica type selling out bugs the crap out of me because it sounds to me like they don't want to try to push the band forward doing something different staying unamagintive and generic. If the band still had the same drive they might have been able to go into a more progressive melodic direction or something. Metallica nows sounds like a shitty attempt at playing southern rock to me. Metallica is equivalent to bands like godsmack which is sad as hell.
I hate how the mail(mainly packages) are not delivered on sunday. I bet if there was a rule the hourly wage increased by 2,3 dollars some workers would show up and deliver packages on sunday. I order items all the time and it pisses me off. Everything about sundays are shit.

Churches can kiss my ass too. They don't get taxed. If I work I miss out money on a half too a full days work a weak from taxes. What is wrong with this country. No wonder people don't even care.

how is someone suppose to be optimistic when you get robbed.
I hate it when my older brother starts to like some metal songs. He fucking comes early in the morning and plays the track loud and couple of times in a row, maybe 20 times in a fucking day. I hate it because the songs he likes are starting to get boring in no time. I am angry when he's playing "The Ambassador Of Pain" by Kataklysm or "Slaves Shall Serve". And when he is asking me about the title of the song he starts to like I never fucking tell him. Now he is saying "And let the children come to me" all the time because he fucking likes "God Of Emptiness".

Fuck yeh man

I got a shirt with that logo on it, I wear it around campus, it razes all of the lefties up :kickass:
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