the hate thread

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unknown said:
I hate the sound of alarmclocks in general. whether it be my phone or the alarm clock. I'd love to live in a world where alarmclocks were forbidden, and you could wake up and go about your day as you wished

I wrote a paper in highschool about how fucking annoying alarm clocks are.
I hate rich people and quit my job. People at a certain point should not be able to have a certain ammount of money. I hope to be broke forever just to not be appart of this. It sucks that we are controlled by these people in a society. I can't believe paper and ink destroyed our world and dictates the wealth of human beings and how we are looked upon.
When you'll become a super mega guitarist, and your band's album will get platinum these thoughts will be over...
The Greys said:
I hate rich people and quit my job. People at a certain point should not be able to have a certain ammount of money. I hope to be broke forever just to not be appart of this. It sucks that we are controlled by these people in a society. I can't believe paper and ink destroyed our world and dictates the wealth of human beings and how we are looked upon.

Because sitting on your ass doing jack shit helps. Yeah!
~Neurotica said:
When you'll become a super mega guitarist, and your band's album will get platinum these thoughts will be over...


Hopefully. If not I will have nothing good to look back at when i'm almost dead.
I'm going to start with a death metal band and then play pop metal so I don't have to do rich people's shit work and kiss there asses, and when people call me or my band 'sellouts' I am just going to be like '''' YEAHHH SO WHAT... FUCK YOU...!!
I can't wait till the day. Each song is going to consist of a few simple chord progressions and some short little cool emotional wah wah solo during the middle to give it a really emotional vibe.
It is not going to be metalcore.

It's going to be pop rock/metal or a band with a hot female fronting it, and with keyboards.
i hate how metal people think it's just really really fucking easy to write a great "pop" song, like you can just shit out three random major chords and it'll sell a million copies.

don't work like that, folks. there's a lot of people who like pop music who can't fucking get it right.
Teh Grimace said:
i hate how metal people think it's just really really fucking easy to write a great "pop" song, like you can just shit out three random major chords and it'll sell a million copies.

don't work like that, folks. there's a lot of people who like pop music who can't fucking get it right.

That's actually quite true. Though much of the million selling pop albums are competely vapid.
Authentic Metalhead said:
True...but pop singers usually don't write their own songs. Maybe they'll co-write two or three tracks, but they're just there to look pretty and cause the songs to sell millions.
Unless of course we're talking about real pop/rock artists like the Beatles or Prince.
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