the hate thread

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I hate country music. My dad does listen to some country. All my recentl co-workers listened to country music. One of them kinda gave me a weird smirk when I explained that I like metal. This is the same person that has been playing guitar for a bit only being able to strum 3 chords :lol:


Nexttime some one acts me what music I like will just say cream or something so people don't look at me like a weirdo.

Kids mainly like MTV and people 20+ seem to like the 70's or country. I'm like the oddball 19 year old.
I am the only person in my family who listens to metal. The rest of them all listen to contemporary Christian music or country, two of my least favorite types of music. This is probably because I come from a Christian background, and it's annoying that my own family members judge me for listening to some genuinely good, talented music.

Quote from my uncle: "that music will rot your brain out"

Yeah, if you listen to the new crappy metalcore bands that plague the scene. But a good album by Blind Guardian or Children of Bodom is some of the most rewarding music I've ever heard.
Christian music is so...pointless. Most "Christian" bands don't even explicitly mention their beliefs, they just have "positive messages" that remind you that everything is okay. Well, I don't know if you noticed, but things are not okay. And most Christian bands are sub-par musicians, only selling a lot of records because they are radio-friendly. God, I hate it!!!
Did you know pilgrims listen to christian music ?

Yes, but back then, it was made for the sole purpose of worshipping God. Nowadays, it's just an easy way to sell records. A few artists do it for God, but most of them sell out and just spew lyrics about "positive ideals".

My favorite Christian band is Deicide.

Satan IS a Christian belief. But the views of Deicide are so fucked up, they have little basis in anything besides a deep hatred in Jesus Christ. Satanism is all a load of complete bullshit anyway. It's just individualism with the name "Satan" slapped on it.
Democratic Socialism ftw. :kickass: :kickass:

The only good Christian music I hear is when I go to church on Sunday and we sing classical church music with a professional choir and a pipe organ. My church is one of the few that hasn't given in to the trendy, contemporary cheesy hymns that are so prevalent.
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