the hate thread

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ender7227 said:
I hate the fact that my schedule is slightly fucked up, and the counselors aren't going to do anything about it.

Same thing happened to me, I got it fixed though. I have the first lunch at 10:30, which sucks....
ender7227 said:
Wow you remind me of a buddy of mine sometimes. That is his exact sense of humor, right down to the crappy attempt at play on words comment. Creeeeeeepppeeeeee
Why did I just type creepy like that?

Hmmm... is this a bad thing (my jokes are usually bad on purpose)(Or I could just be a down right humorless human)
ender7227 said:
I don;t know about you being worse than me, although you could think a little bit more before you post. Anyway, I'm not gonna take people calling me a shitty poster anymore, as I am NOT a shitty poster anymore.

I tend to post almost as if I was chatting, but only till late have I figured that this really doesn't give me any pleasure of being part of this forum, so now I have realized that I have to start putting more input into what I say in order to be respected, and welcomed as regular poster. Though I have been much enjoying much of the things I have learned (metal and non-metal) and the vast amount of people here from everywhere coming together to take time to expand the knowledge of all who listen and read.

Wow how gay was that.
ender7227 said:
If you hate it, why are you here? If you don't enjoy anything here, then it makes no sense that you are still here.

If everyone stopped responding to 'IT', and giving it the satisfaction of knowing it was annoying people it would go away. Or at least post less.
ender7227 said:
Not gay at all, it is the truth about this forum. You have to have intellectual input in here to be respected and welcomed. It's part of what the makes the forum good, but also limits it in many ways.

Nice Pink Floyd cover in your sig, btw.

Thanks man, I think you helped me to try and become a more advit poster.

Oh and "Wish You Were Here" is the best Pink Floyd cd ever! Though my favorite song by Floyd is "Time", but pound for pound "Wish You Were Here" was a more solid release, and contained more depth in its songs. I felt the emotion much more. "The Wall" was always all little over the top in terms of their lyrical aproach and the overplay of their signature melodies.
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