the hate thread

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Authentic Metalhead said:
I don't even own a car. I can't drive either, so whatever. I hate people who constantly pester their parents for cars when they're too young to drive.

My parents would never buy me a car. If I want a car will have to buy some shitty one you see in the front of someone's drive way. I have a few grand and don't want to put it towards a car that will need to be fixed all the time anyways. Besides that only have my permit.

Teens who expect their parents to get them a car are spoiled and will never realize how much othere struggle. These same teens probably get everything handed to them anyways and they can go to hell and burn.

Note* my parents are nice and still would not buy me a car. Only rich kids parents buy their kids cars.
I hate 16 year olds kids on MTV thats parents by them brand new cars. You have a bunch of kids viewing the show with poor to middle class parents that are not going to buy these kids brand new cars. MTV is especially a poor influence on kids with their representation of just rich people off in their dream worlds. MTV should be banned for being such a ridiculous exegeratted bullshit.
Pretty much. It's the entire US also. We are such a pathetic nation.

I hope someone bombs us all and we can't deflect it. I can't wait to see our nation built on money and lies into the ground. People think just because they have money and a lot things they can treat others like garbage. I'm so sick and tired off it and I know it's never going to end so if life ends tomorrow just bliss for me. It's like a game of who is better all the time that never ends.
MTV is cyclical. While it is "a reflection" of our culture, it is also the source of intake for said culture. What MTV has spewed out all these years has contributed greatly to what our society is, and for this reason only can it be said that MTV is a reflection of our society when in reality the opposite (our society is a reflection of what MTV feeds us) would be more accurate.
I hate 16 year olds kids on MTV thats parents by them brand new cars. You have a bunch of kids viewing the show with poor to middle class parents that are not going to buy these kids brand new cars. MTV is especially a poor influence on kids with their representation of just rich people off in their dream worlds. MTV should be banned for being such a ridiculous exegeratted bullshit.

You must remember that this is reality. MTV may seem to exaggerate things like this, but there are actually people in the world who are that shallow and materialistic. Our culture in general is very material-oriented; if you're not rich, than you're not worth anything. That's the ideal that our culture represents. There are millions of people who are too poor to afford a decent life for their family while others indulge on pointless, earthly possessions that they do not need for any reason. I hate people who own more cars than they need. I think there should be a limit to how many cars one person can own, because it just proves your ignorance and materialistic attitude.
"Nihilism is the belief that nothing is real and nothing is worth doing. As such it is a form of idealism, or the belief that reality and mind share a function. When we realize our thoughts are more real than physical existence, but the two depend on each other, we can strip away our meaningless preconceptions and address reality as it actually is. Nihilism is at first fatalism, then realism, and finally, a heroic form of idealism in which we accept that our lives "mean" nothing except as we make them to be. Nihilism is an intellectual maturation that is the gateway to all future philosophy."

This says nothing about nationalism, but I wasn't talking about the ANUS definition of nihilism anyway.
Yes, I have been to the website and read that statement, but in their forum and throughout the website they make their support of nationalism pretty obvious. Also I understand that you weren't referring to, and finally, how the hell have you been ol' chap?
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