the hate thread

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Authentic Metalhead said:
Excellent choice. It's an album that no black metal fan can do without. It sort of seems unfocused at first listen, but it definitely grows on you.

I am glad I am buying it now instead of a few months ago, because I have really started to appreciate and love Black Metal in the last few months. I may have dismissed it then, but I am sure I will listen to it much more carefully now.
Two things to add to my hate list.

-People who complain about teen angst yet pick on people
-People who go to
I hate the people that drive WAY under the speed limit. They have to be crippled or something. And there has to be a set speed limit just for cripples. It's not written down anywhere, but they know what it is. And if they go over the cripple speed limit their little nubs can't take it and they lose control, they know this, so they drive like they're underwater. Sons a bitches.
I hate people that don't put on their blinker before making a left turn in front of you. Nothing is worse than being stuck at a green light behind some idiot waiting to make a left turn that didn't put on his blinker.
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