the hate thread

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Authentic Metalhead said:
I don't even understand what the problem is here. Can someone please melt the last two pages down to one clear statement?

Men and women. the ultimate clash.
Vacant_Planets said:
I'm sure you're not you've male friends (I'm not racist, my friend is black).

Most of my friends now are male.... My favorite artist ever was male... Almost every band I love is made of male members. Wtf. Feminazi my butt.

edit: ur stoopid.
Authentic Metalhead said:
This is such a tired topic. I see no point in why we should argue about this.

yeah lets talk about metuhl but make sure its a band we all like i hate disagreements :(
Susperia said:
Most of my friends now are male.... My favorite artist ever was male... Almost every band I love is made of male members. Wtf. Feminazi my butt.

edit: ur stoopid.

My favorite artist is male, hahahahaha. Yes, you were angered over something most people consider trivial. No "my friend is a man" is going to change that.

Edit - do not self project.
Necuratul said:
yeah lets talk about metuhl but make sure its a band we all like i hate disagreements :(

We'll we all love Metallica i guess...(the classic line up eh)
How many men does it take to open a beer?
None, it should be open when the bitch brings it to him.

How do you turn a dishwasher into a snowblower?
Give her a shovel.

What should you do if your women walks out of the kitchen naked?
Shorten the chain.

Why do women have smaller feet?
So they can stand closer to the sink.

What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
Nothin’ you already told the bitch twice already.

What's the difference between a girl and a toilet?
A toilet doesn't want to cuddle after you drop your load in it.

Why do women have periods?
Because they deserve them.

Why do women fake their orgasms?
Because they think we care.

What's the difference between your paycheck and your dick?
You don't have to beg her to blow your paycheck.

Why don't women need watches?
There’s a clock on the stove.

Edit:Why did the subject have to change while i was typing :(.

Anyway, Bathory rules!
Yep Bathory are off the chart. but i think we need a new thread...

Btw i onceheard Ozzy came home with some whore and Sharon told him to get her the hell outta the house and he went " WHO THE HELL ARE YEWW?
Metallica - Thrash best IMHO

Iron Maiden - Good every now and than, but i preer Judas Priest.

I'm a Death/Thrash fellow right here.
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