the hate thread

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Can't stand Metallica either. I like Priest more than Maiden, but I listen to both everyday Priest has some really epic guitar solos.
I really hate my job right now :cry:
So confusing, too much inventory, too many people.....never ever sub for a different lab ever!!
Necuratul said:
This is a retarded "argument" and I'm just provoking out of boredom anyway so I'm deleting my posts.

:lol: before i got to this i thought she was having a fit...


anyone who hates grind is a faggot. if you can't handle it, you're a faggot, period. if you only enjoy melodic extreme music then you don't really like extreme music and you are, again, A FAYG.

Teh Grimace said:
anyone who hates grind is a faggot. if you can't handle it, you're a faggot, period. if you only enjoy melodic extreme music then you don't really like extreme music and you are, again, A FAYG.

I heartily disagree. Some of us just prefer cohesion and direction in our music, not dissonant riffing and random solos. No, I like to feel like the music I listen has purpose. Anarchy is severely overrated. :saint:
Authentic Metalhead said:
Some of us just prefer cohesion and direction in our music, not dissonant riffing and random solos.

you find it random and directionless because you do not understand what is going on because your brain can only process melodies and beats that are comfortable and familiar to you because you are a closed minded twit.

Grimace, shut your fucking mouth already. Jesus Holocaust-Denying Christ you're annoying lately.
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