the hate thread

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I have meet people who drink coffee straight. I don't see the point in drinking something that tastes like shit unless it has alcohol. I like my coffee to taste good so add half & half and some sugar. I'm not going to wake up misrable and then just drink shitty tasting coffee.

I have poored liquor in my coffee once. AWFUL
The Greys said:
I have meet people who drink coffee straight. I don't see the point in drinking something that tastes like shit unless it has alcohol. I like
yea I prefer mine with milk as well and just a pinch of sugar though(half a tea spoon)
Susperia said:
I hate that I burnt myself on the oven and now it's blistering. :cry:

I hit the top of my hand on an oven coil one time. ouch

Pain makes you can feel so it's a good thing regardless if it hurts.

Something that causes you to feel is good. If you go through a day as a zombie and you burn yourself it was suppose to happen to wake you up and get one of your sense noticed. That's how I would see it anyways.


If someone hates their life and gets into a car accident that would be the only way to make the person appreciate their if they lived so it it's not purely a bad situation.
No pain no gain,

If you hate your day and you get drunk and puke all day you wish you are sober for example causing you to appreciate a day you night not have.
The Greys said:

Something that causes you to feel is good. If you go through a day as a zombie and you burn yourself it was suppose to happen to wake you up and get one of your sense noticed. That's how I would see it anyways.


If someone hates their life and gets into a car accident that would be the only way to make the person appreciate their if they lived so it it's not purely a bad situation.

lol, I had my buddy punch me in the stomach friday night, it was fucking great.
Of course I was drunk, but the pain was nice. It was a wake up call in a way.
at first he just tapped me, and I was like, "no, fucking punch me bitch"
sounds stupid, but it ruled.

Fighting someone intentionally when drunk it great also. Regardless what happens after you both know you are not enemies.
The Greys said:

Something that causes you to feel is good. If you go through a day as a zombie and you burn yourself it was suppose to happen to wake you up and get one of your sense noticed. That's how I would see it anyways.


If someone hates their life and gets into a car accident that would be the only way to make the person appreciate their if they lived so it it's not purely a bad situation.
Granted, feeling no pain would cause you to never know pleasure, but the point I was making is that may be the most emo post I have ever seen.
There is nothing wrong with emotions. Just because this emo musical trend is going on does not mean the term should be directed to anyone who is not a toughguy.
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