the hate thread

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BlackSeedsOnVirginSoil said:
I'm not on here to make 'Nu' friends.
I'm on here to talk about metal.
And if I don't last long it's cause people like you drove me off.

Two more strikes and you are out.
The Greys said:
This person is going to have to deal with me forever for talking shit about gothernburg metal.

Eventually he/she will not be able to take my personality.

i can tolerate you. I respect you because you don't go around the forum making an ass of yourself.

I know there's a lot of people here who don't appreciate some of the music I like, but people still respect my tastes and I respect theirs.

When I am attacked for my tastes by some jackass, I do not call that a general music discussion.
ah yes, the kid finally realizes that everyone hates him now and tries to ameliorate the situation.

Come back in a few weeks if you feel like participating in an intellectual discussion. Otherwise your presence will not be missed. kthxbye.
BlackSeedsOnVirginSoil said:
I'm a jackass punk

Let's start and 'intellectual' discussion.

I hate Black Metal bands that try too hard to be tr00.
Like Mayhem. And their 'pig head on power ranger sword' gimmick.
BlackSeedsOnVirginSoil said:
Let's start and 'intellectual' discussion.

I hate Black Metal bands that try too hard to be tr00.
Like Mayhem. And their 'pig head on power ranger sword' gimmick.

Your the one using phrases such as "yeast infection".
I hate Varg Vikerenes, he's so brainless when it comes to his ideas and beliefs, although he's alright when it comes to Music.
Hey I'm not arguing.
But you can whip me, I'm into masochism :)
tell me about Varg Vikernes beliefs, I don't know much about him.
Except that he's pretty good in Burzum and Mayhem.
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