the hate thread

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The Greys: My dad has money.

When he told me he didn't want to pay for me anymore, I asked him "If you wanted to go to college dad, do you think your father would have paid for your tuition and helped you through?"

He said yes.
You could be like I will work and pay for some if you pay for the other half.

When I had my first job a few years ago I was saving up for a half-stack. Since my parents saw that I really wanted it they helped buy it.

I'm going to want a car next summer i'm going to do the same trick. It's just going to involve a lot more money.

I don't know what is it like to want my parents to pay for college but i'm sure you could work something out.

If you are asking for A LOT A LOT of money someone might just stop caring. Sure everyone is not going to have enough(being we are young) to buy something and might need help. You could make an little effort.

Trying is what makes people know that you care.
Shiny McShining Rodriguez said:
*Eyes now securely taped open.

I pay for my own schooling, I just expect my parents to buy me lots of gifts and do my housework.

I have a feeling that schooling is cheaper in Australia.
The Greys said:
You could be like I will work and pay for some if you pay for the other half.

When I had my first job a few years ago I was saving up for a half-stack. Since my parents saw that I really wanted it they helped buy it.

I'm going to want a car next summer i'm going to do the same trick. It's just going to involve a lot more money.

I don't know what is it like to want my parents to pay for college but i'm sure you could work something out.

If you are asking for A LOT A LOT of money someone might just stop caring. Sure everyone is not going to have enough(being we are young) to buy something and might need help. You could make an little effort.

Trying is what makes people know that you care.

I do try. I'm practically a straight A student (I got one B+ this semester...Though usually I get straight A's). But you don't know what it's like to be a full time student in college, living away from home. And honestly, I doubt you'd be able to handle full time school as well as a full time job, or even part time. And part time will pay PEANUTS for school. It will also bring your grades down.

I made $1,500 last summer and then for one semester paid for all my own school books, groceries, art supplies, etc. That money went so incredibly fast. You have no idea how expensive art supplies are, do you? Ever wonder why paintings go for thousands of dollars? Art is incredibly expensive, and demands an incredible amount of time to make. And I don't like the way you constantly belittle what I want to do with my life, and act like you're so above it.
I'm not belittling your lifestyle. You just seem like a typical college student not realizing majority of the population struggles to get money and you think someone should pay for your lifestyle choice or owes you.


Each day is 24 hours and you don't paint 24 hours monday through friday so spair the bullshit.

Playing an instrument is probably more expensive for someone and you don't see us asking for money from our parents or saying we can't do something if we really want because it takes up to much time.

Unless you have made it with your profession you have all the time in the world to earn money if you want to get up and do it.
Susperia said:
I do try. I'm practically a straight A student (I got one B+ this semester...Though usually I get straight A's). But you don't know what it's like to be a full time student in college, living away from home. And honestly, I doubt you'd be able to handle full time school as well as a full time job, or even part time. And part time will pay PEANUTS for school. It will also bring your grades down.


I went to University, studied for a joint honours degree in English lit and Philosophy and worked 5 nights a week as a bouncer. Paid my own rent, books, food, beer and sent money home because my folks were so poor at the time.

Oh, and I had another side job on Sundays selling comics.

Suffice to say I wasn't an "A" grader, what with finishing work at 4am each day and being back in lectures for 9, but at least I had the satisfaction of knowing that I worked hard in all senses of the word.

If I had the choice, I have to say I wouldn't have worked as well, and I used to envy my housemates who came from relatively affluent families who could afford not to work full or part time. You shouldn't really be made to feel bad because you have that choice, because really, if anyone had the choice of dedicating themselves to their studies full time or working when they don't have to, they'd be a fool to choose option 2.
Erik said:
the government should pay for their child's collage

oh wait it does

in sweden, home of the once brave (and tall, beautiful)

Collages are very beautiful but not usually included in the government's payroll.
Erik said:
the government should pay for their child's collage

oh wait it does

in sweden, home of the once brave (and tall, beautiful)

When was the last time Sweden was brave? Just curious - the last war I can think of them actually winning was what, Sweden vs Poland?
The Greys said:
I'm not belittling your lifestyle. You just seem like a typical college student not realizing majority of the population struggles to get money and you think someone should pay for your lifestyle choice or owes you.


Each day is 24 hours and you don't paint 24 hours monday through friday so spair the bullshit.

Playing an instrument is probably more expensive for someone and you don't see us asking for money from our parents or saying we can't do something if we really want because it takes up to much time.

Unless you have made it with your profession you have all the time in the world to earn money if you want to get up and do it.

"Oh my someone backed out on college girls portrait. I'm sure your mommy will by you your books for next season so you don't really have anything to worry about.


Go to classes to paint must be so hard in this world. wah

I need my boyfriend or i'm gonna cry!!!"

Oh yes you're so right The Greys! That's not belittling at all! Fucking bullshit. You say rude, nasty, immature shit like that to me all the time.

Second, you don't know much of anything about me. Trust me, I'm as aware as you, if not more so, of poverty in this country and how lucky I am to be in school. Hence me working hard to get A's and keep my GPA up. I work during the summers, as I've explained to you in the past, and my mother has told me to focus solely on my studies while I'm in school---- which I've also already explained to you in the past.

Playing an instrument is not more expensive, so get over it. Stop acting like a fucking angsty 14 year old trying to compete with me. You make yourself look so incredibly stupid, beside all your grammatical errors.

Third, I don't think "someone" should be paying for my college. I think my parents should. I didn't want to go to college to begin with. I was just going to find a job but they convinced me to, told me they'd pay for it and help me through it. Oh but you knew that already, right? Because you know everything about me. Because I'm the typical college student. As well as a typical girl, right?
Susperia said:
Playing an instrument is not more expensive, so get over it.

Oh damn, unfortunally its very expensive... especially here where I live. First you gotta buy it (here that shit cost crazy money), then you gotta buy other bonus stuff for this instrument, then you gotta buy stuff to care about it, then you have to pay for rent of rehearsal room - to play with with your band as almost noone here has his own.
I gotta work really hard now and then maybe in a few years I'll get the full set of instrument that I personally want and need (if I'll save my pure earned money and wont spend a dollar on something else).
Of course painting takes much of money too coz it always needs expenditure materials, I know coz I also paint and draw, but not that much as you.
And still - trust me, playing an instrument isnt that cheap at all...
I really doubt painting is more expensive than playing an instrument.

A quality guitar drum set or bass ranges from 600 to what 5 grand. Drummers usually build off their kits buying cymbals which are fucking expensive. A friend of mine has a pretty nice kit going and i don't even want to know how much it is worth.

You have to replace strings every 3 weeks to a month(6.95 for me anyways). That adds up over time. I knew a bassist online that said bass strings are twice that.

Good Amp head(say 400 to a few grand)
Cab (same)
If you don't have a solid state you have to fork over money for tubes which are probably really expensive. I use a shitty solid state that sounds like shit.
Distortion pedals range from 30 dollars to hundreds.
Processors are a few hundred to a grand.

Some people have numerous guitars amps, and gear.

Two cables which range from 20 to 35 dollars and seem to end up getting broken somehow or another sooner than you expect.

I don't even want to know how much it would cost to record a decent demo E.P or fullength. Most bands have to record a good ammount of demos before anyone even knows who the hell they are.
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