the hate thread

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unknown said:
I hate when Metal Archives is down

Which seems to be about two thirds of the time really. I have never seen a more poorly hosted site. If there was an alternative that had anything close to the amount of bands that M-A has I would switch instantly.
I hate that all stuff for me and for my instrument is so expensive

*getthing thread back on track and mixing it with conversation*
Which seems to be about two thirds of the time really. I have never seen a more poorly hosted site. If there was an alternative that had anything close to the amount of bands that M-A has I would switch instantly.

somebody once posted a link to a backup M-A of sorts but I lost the link :(

I hate that my arm is broken and I can not drum for six weeks and my two bands are once again, getting screwed.

oh and i hate all the insanely corrupt shit that the goverment does and how they rely on their populations ignorance to continue to gain domiance.

every one here should watch Alex Jones' Loose change and start questioning shit.
I hate those fanta commercials.

wanna fanta

dont you wanna

wanna fanta

I hate when you click and entire album to download on Soulseek and that person is somehow off the internet 2 seconds later, then you have to delete the entire thing because these assholes can't just leave the program on during the day.
The Greys said:
I hate when you click and entire album to download on Soulseek and that person is somehow off the internet 2 seconds later, then you have to delete the entire thing because these assholes can't just leave the program on during the day.

Solution: don't download.:kickass:
The Greys said:
I hate when you click and entire album to download on Soulseek and that person is somehow off the internet 2 seconds later, then you have to delete the entire thing because these assholes can't just leave the program on during the day.

Never happens to me mate :kickass: :Smokin: :erk:
Give me your soulseek name and download something from me so you can feel the agony of soulseek rejection!
The Greys said:
I hate when you click and entire album to download on Soulseek and that person is somehow off the internet 2 seconds later, then you have to delete the entire thing because these assholes can't just leave the program on during the day.
I ban everyone who does that to me :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
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