the hate thread

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Vacant_Planets said:
Noooooooo not a typo!!! No not the fact that I consider your reading this extremely important that it must be correct!!!! Now stop trying to use sarcasm as a form of denial, please? It's way over done on this forum.

Fuck me, you are one humourless wanker.

There are other shit posters here, for sure, but most of them make me raise a smile. You?

Fuck, even Spectacular Views before I got the gag never got half the bile you make me produce.
Guthrum said:
Steve Irwin has said himself he wants to be remembered for his passion and love for animals and conservation. I respect what he did for the animals and for Australia.
Many Aussies on this board, prior to Mr. Irwin's death, complained about him making their nation look bad.
The irony that Steve Irwin was killed by a relatively docile (compared to crocodiles, anyway) manta ray is fucking hilarious.
Just thought I'd bring those things to light. Personally, I don't really have an opinion about his life or death.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Many Aussies on this board, prior to Mr. Irwin's death, complained about him making their nation look bad.
The irony that Steve Irwin was killed by a relatively docile (compared to crocodiles, anyway) manta ray is fucking hilarious.
Just thought I'd bring those things to light. Personally, I don't really have an opinion about his life or death.

Yes, I know that most Aussies on the board feel that way. I also know that how he acts is not how all Aussies are, my grandmother is from Australia, and she's told me tons and tons of stories and things about Australia. Doesn't change the way I feel though.
Evil? said:
I really do not get it. What is the point of coming to a forum were everyone hates you? You say shit like...

My quote here.

Whats the fucking point? I do not get it. Isn't it just a huge waste of time for you to come here and post and have people tell you are a dipshit? Why not just stay away?
Because I'm assuming this shitstorm will fade away, like all the tohers have.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Many Aussies on this board, prior to Mr. Irwin's death, complained about him making their nation look bad.
The irony that Steve Irwin was killed by a relatively docile (compared to crocodiles, anyway) manta ray is fucking hilarious.
Just thought I'd bring those things to light. Personally, I don't really have an opinion about his life or death.

true, and if you read my post, which seems to be like fucken 5 pages back now due to all the shit posted on here, I said something like the gave a false represenation of the Australian image, nonetheless was a very passionate man about what he believed in and I have the upmost respect for what he did with animals and the environment, even though he was a bit of a knob, at least he was a genuine one :kickass:
ender7227 said:
Because I'm assuming this shitstorm will fade away, like all the tohers have.

It took me a while to realize that "tohers" was not, in fact, a word.
batastrophe said:
I fucking hate it when mothers put their kids on my conveyor belt (I'm a cashier) and expect me to laugh about it. FUCK YOU. Don't cry when they get their fingers chopped off.

I worked as a cashier back home, but that never happened to me. But I did have a 6 year old kid come in once with his mother, climb up on a display of Pepsi cubes, proclaim "I'm not a debit card, I'm a human being", and then run out the door.

...It was pretty fucking random :lol:
Father Belial said:
I worked as a cashier back home, but that never happened to me. But I did have a 6 year old kid come in once with his mother, climb up on a display of Pepsi cubes, proclaim "I'm not a debit card, I'm a human being", and then run out the door.

...It was pretty fucking random :lol:

That is awesome.
Hhahhah yeah i sometimes do that... But I didn't feel like dipping anything today, I just wanted to eat my cookie =( And it was so crumbly that when I lifted it up it fell into my water.
Steve Irwin seemed like a great guy. The thing is he has kids and a wife and did not seem to be thinking about that. I realize he has a 'thing' he likes just like everyone, but a 44 year old with kids to raise does not need to be jumping in the ocean with giant deadly stingrays. Someone animals should be left alone because they are dangerous. Most of the viewers are probably like AAAWWW HOW CUTE ANIMALS not realizing what they guy was doing was insane. Now his kids don't have a father. Steve Irwin could have let his guard down not being 'the animal guy' all the time. He liked to touch and pick up every last animal on earth and was bound to loose a limb or die. He was taken by what he loves so it's not really shocking that he went out that way. It would make more sense of him dying by a stingray than getting into an car accident,etc..

This resembles fate or destiny imo.
Father Belial said:
I worked as a cashier back home, but that never happened to me. But I did have a 6 year old kid come in once with his mother, climb up on a display of Pepsi cubes, proclaim "I'm not a debit card, I'm a human being", and then run out the door.

...It was pretty fucking random :lol:

Was the kid wearing a tin-foil hat?
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