the hate thread

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The Greys said:
Steve Irwin seemed like a great guy. The thing is he has kids and a wife and did not seem to be thinking about that. I realize he has a 'thing' he likes just like everyone, but a 44 year old with kids to raise does not need to be jumping in the ocean with giant deadly stingrays. Someone animals should be left alone because they are dangerous. Most of the viewers are probably like AAAWWW HOW CUTE ANIMALS not realizing what they guy was doing was insane. Now his kids don't have a father. Steve Irwin could have let his guard down not being 'the animal guy' all the time. He liked to touch and pick up every last animal on earth and was bound to loose a limb or die. He was taken by what he loves so it's not really shocking that he went out that way. It would make more sense of him dying by a stingray than getting into an car accident,etc..

This resembles fate or destiny imo.

Yeah, because nobody with a wife and kids should do dangerous jobs. Once you're married, the mortgage pays itself, and people just come and give you money. It's the greatest thing, actually, to know that just because you've become a father, you can give up your entire way of earning an income. :rolleyes:
I'm not saying he should have quit in general working with animals, maybe looked at things from a different perspective. He probably had plently of money to spend the rest of his days with his wife and kids and blew it.


I don't even care. I do not even know the person. What someone does is their business right.
The Greys said:
I'm not saying he should have quit in general working with animals, maybe looked at things from a different perspective. He probably had plently of money to spend the rest of his days with his wife and kids and blew it.


I don't even care

Nice one. I'm going to post about some stuff I don't care about too. Coming soon: such threads as "Whatever happened to Cindarella" and "What if Saxon hadn't suffered a schism" :headbang:
Carcassian said:
Yeah, because nobody with a wife and kids should do dangerous jobs. Once you're married, the mortgage pays itself, and people just come and give you money. It's the greatest thing, actually, to know that just because you've become a father, you can give up your entire way of earning an income. :rolleyes:

really? you ve just changed my whole view on life. im gonna walk across the hall and tell the boss i quit.:lol:
Father Belial said:
Really? I don't see how Rammstein can be seen as an influence for school shhoting though?

no shit hey

Also i think some tried to blame them for the school hostage thing in Russia a few years ago, the chechian rebel thing
Danallica said:
no shit hey

Also i think some tried to blame them for the school hostage thing in Russia a few years ago, the chechian rebel thing

Really? I'm sorry, but that just seems really strange. I would never think of Rammstein as that kind of influence...
What? No beer?!

You know what I FUCKING HATE?! People who cannot spell properly on the internet. Just because they are in cyberspace they think they can type all cool.

nutin, u
nutin wanna hang 2morrow? my rents b gone
kool, kk

The Greys said:
I'm not saying he should have quit in general working with animals, maybe looked at things from a different perspective. He probably had plently of money to spend the rest of his days with his wife and kids and blew it.


I don't even care. I do not even know the person. What someone does is their business right.
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