the hate thread

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Ender Rises said:
The whoel emo thing is fucking irritating. It pisses me off to see al the decent shicks fawning over annoying little emo fucks. It wouldn't be SO bad if the fans weren't fucking irritating.

Very much agreed. The fans are quite sickening.
Ender Rises said:
And yet they get the hottest girls! What the fuck is up with that?! Does every girl with a hot body have to fucking follow whatever is popular?!

That is a very sad post my friend.
Ender Rises said:
The whoel emo thing is fucking irritating. It pisses me off to see all the decent chicks fawning over annoying little emo fucks. It wouldn't be SO bad if the fans weren't fucking irritating.

We don't need women in metal, fans or otherwise. Women bring weakness, drama and spite.

I like my metal with a healthy dose of mysogyny and more than a soupcon of homo-eroticism. :kickass:
Carcassian said:
We don't need women in metal, fans or otherwise. Women bring weakness, drama and spite.

I like my metal with a healthy dose of mysogyny and more than a soupcon of homo-eroticism. :kickass:
Yeah! :kickass:
When you meet co-workers that tell you too listen to country music because that's what females like you wish metal was more chick oriented.
The Greys said:
When you meet co-workers that tell you too listen to country music because that's what females like you wish metal was more chick oriented.

Man how many desprate guys we have out there wishing metal was for girls? :|

Find the girl who likes Rammstein or something and help her out eh.
I'm not desperate for 'chicks' to like metal. Off the internet people generally don't get metal and think it's weird. I'ts more off the understanding thing. Being a young adult a chick my age is probably going to get is less over anyone.
The Greys said:
I'm not desperate for 'chicks' to like metal. Off the internet people generally don't get metal and think it's weird. I'ts more off the understanding thing. Being a young adult a chick my age is probably going to get is less over anyone.

Eh... I got it by 17. I don't think it has anything to do with our anatomy, but more our upbringings and life experiences, and overall tastes, that lead us to Metal.... not our penises and vaginas...
I've seen the chicks that emo-kids get and I'll pass. Call me wierd, but I like women with tits and asses, and who have actually eaten something in the past 60 days.
I've stated this before, and the reason women to genrally don't like metal is because it goes against the gender roles that are programmed into women in our society since birth.
Also, if you can't get a girl, it's not because you like metal, trust me.
I hate mic in the house. I just caught one in the kitchen(first time seeing one in the day). What should I do ?

Set it free outside or give it to my cats.
The Greys said:
I hate mic in the house. I just caught one in the kitchen(first time seeing one in the day). What should I do ?

Set it free outside or give it to my cats.

Ive seen two in mine. Always out at night looking for leftovers. Im not really too bothered, they're damn cute so I dont want to kill them. If I catch one ill probably just put it outside.
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