the hate thread

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V5 is in general seems like such a nice guy all-around that even when you don't agree with him on something you kind of wish you should. He really knows how to market the stuff he likes .
DarkBliss said:
V5 is in general seems like such a nice guy all-around that even when you don't agree with him on something you kind of wish you should. He really knows how to market the stuff he likes .

Because he seems to like good stuff.

edit: and he is well opinionated.
DarkBliss said:
V5 is in general seems like such a nice guy all-around that even when you don't agree with him on something you kind of wish you should. He really knows how to market the stuff he likes .

Eh yeah I tend to stay away from just going "aw fuck them" unless they REALLY deserve it (Trivium, etc. haha)...usually I can find worth in shit I don't necessarily "like"...

MetalNoob: Yeah! Everyone should have a, definitely. Awesome fucking site.
I hate waiting eleven fucking weeks from first broadcast in the Uk, getting the whole series burned onto DVD and then settling down to watch "The Shield" series 5 (which is pretty much the only show I ever look forward to these days), only to have the wife say "Let's have a chat".

No, let's not have a chat. Let's have a fucking chat when your worthless soap opears are on woman.

I hate all the assholes in my theatre class. Some idiot lit the trash can on fire, and normally I wouldn't be pissed but they were searching everybody and I had my cigarettes and my LIGHTER with me. Needless to say, I was freaking out. Luckily, they didn't search me, as the principal and VP's know I'm not as fucking stupid as that, and they already had a good idea of who did it by the time they got to me. And our teacher has to be a little bitch and goes home when we needed him in fucking rehearsals. All we could do is run through the damn music again with the "pit". I'm kinda pissed about that. He says he's thinking about quitting, and it pisses me off that he reacts so much to the assholes in his classes.
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