the hate thread

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My girlfriend burps, I think I actually find it kind of weirdly attractive, haha. It's not like horrible belching, so maybe that's why...I find it cute for some reason.
Hanger 18 said:
It's just good to let it out, but I have a friend, who is fat and when she burps its fucking disgusting. But I suppose she's fat, so that must explain it.

I hate fat chicks. end of story

I also hate how the newer threads have given me no interest in posting.
By the way, I know this is the hate thread, but you've really matured out of "noob" status lately and you have pretty darn good taste most of the time. So kudos!!
I agree with V5, there is so much negativity and bad fellowship in our community here. Handing out compliments can only do us good.

Then again, I enjoy the occasional flamewars and endless arguments over meaningless subjects.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
By the way, I know this is the hate thread, but you've really matured out of "noob" status lately and you have pretty darn good taste most of the time. So kudos!!

Hell yea, I have always, and well continue to keep your opinions in high regard.
BTW, V5, I just skimmed thorugh your last f.m. and I have to say we have almost exact taste. I had no idea you like Soilwork also, you should have spoken up I thought I was alone:lol: and also I love the brutal stuff such as yourself.
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