the hate thread

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Ughh I hear you.. I used to get them every single year several times as a child because I have very small ear canals, and because I loved milk and dairy products. When I stopped drinking milk and eating dairy when I was 13 I never really got an ear infection again.

They sometimes get clogged and hurt, but no infections =D!
I hate that Bill from Tokio Hotel. Some time ago I saw a poster of that motherfucker in my cousins room and he was wearing a Venom t-shirt. If I will see this bitch somewhere I will kill him.
(M)aggoT said:
I hate that Bill from Tokio Hotel. Some time ago I saw a poster of that motherfucker in my cousins room and he was wearing a Venom t-shirt. If I will see this bitch somewhere I will kill him.

I had never even heard of that band until I got here in Germany. Looks like shit though...
Guthrum said:
I hate when you're in class, taking a test, and it's quiet as can be and fart bubbles start rumbling in your stomach. You know people can hear them. Sometimes I just want to stand up and say, "Apparently I'm cooking up some farts, sorry everybody."
:lol: so true and SIGGED
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