the hate thread

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* at least 90% of everyone in sweden drinks milk regularly
* swedes are generally more healthy than americans

if you're lactose intolerant that's your problem susperia but realize that for once, the world does not revolve around you

no, people (at least europeans, i don't know what weird sort of albino-african descent you must have to not be able to drink milk) do not get sick by drinking milk you absolute fucking moron
Susperia said:
There have been several studies conducted in which scientists/sociologists watched babies that were breastfed and babies that were bottlefed from formula... The babies with the formula recieved about 85% more ear infections in a year than the baby's who were breastfed.
holy fucking shit

babies have a weak immune system are prone to get disease if you feed them the wrong thing?!

Spectacular Views said:
now thats what i call spurious logic
yeah well if we followed susperia's no-logic-at-all logic nearly everyone in sweden would have ear infections (because we're apparently all babies being bottle-fed "formula"?!)
Erik said:
yeah well if we followed susperia's no-logic-at-all logic nearly everyone in sweden would have ear infections (because we're apparently all babies being bottle-fed "formula"?!)

yeah shes being pretty dumb
Susperia said:
Umm.. yeah most people do. Since we're all human. And since cow's milk wasn't/isn't designed for us.

There have been several studies conducted in which scientists/sociologists watched babies that were breastfed and babies that were bottlefed from formula... The babies with the formula recieved about 85% more ear infections in a year than the baby's who were breastfed.

I just also happen to have small ear canals, so it exacerbated the problem, even though it would have most likely been there anyway.

They didn't happen to be my pals, did they?
I have two glasses of milk a day. One in my breakfast cereal, one with lunch, and a bowl of ice cream after dinner rounds out my dairy requirements.

I also have a glass of OJ with dinner.

Ain't I a goody-two-shoes.
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