the hate thread

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Danallica said:
FFS of course Cows milk was meant for us, if a cow doesnt get milked if fucken dies

That's a stupid thing to say. It doesn't die. The cow only produces milk after she gives birth to a baby calf, or if she's pregnant. Much like humans do and all other mammals. The milk would be drank by her calf.
Why not? They're a fairly large part of your life.. peices of them go into your body on a daily basis. And we use them for a myriad of other things every single day of our lives. They're a huge part of our ''culture". (I say that because it can be argued whether we really have a culture or not here in America).
Teh Grimace said:
so this is the place to scream about shit that you hate. get it all out, children. people, places, things, certain bands, uncertain bands, each other (ESPECIALLY each other!), grimace (but don't hate me cause im beautiful), whatever fucking pure bile you can spew, this is the place for it.

I don't like hate. It sounds like this thread could easily become a recruiting ground for Nazis and White Power activists.
Susperia said:
You're actually not supposed to use q-tips. Putting ANYTHING in your ear is very dangerous. But everyone does it anyway. I do too.

Bullshit. Unless you're retarded or have damaged nerves, there's nothing dangerous about cleaning your ear with a q-tip barring someone startling you, an earthquake, etc.
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