the hate thread

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I fUcKiNg HaTe iT WhEn sOmEoNe tYpE lIkE tHiS!!!!111oneoneone!

I also hate when someone start a sentence with a little letter and doesn't end it with full stop. Member example: Spectacular Views.
(M)aggoT said:
I also hate when someone start a sentence with a little letter and doesn't end it with full stop. Member example: Spectacular Views.
lol, the majority of members here do like that.
Well, probably for that kind of people the point of their post is not the way it looks, but the information it brings... Though often there's just a pure shit instead of any information :erk:
even worse is when people type really long run on sentences completely devoid of punctuation and then the sentences run into one another and then the next thing you know they've typed an entire paragraph without a single period comma or carriage return and when you are trying to read it it gives you a huge headache and then you realize what you were reading was just some moronic post about how the poster loves opeth or children of bodom or dragonforce and then you just want to take a 16 pound sledgehammer to your computer and light yourself on fire
My head hurts after reading your post. I understand that it was necessary just to show how irritating post might be when you write that way.
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