the hate thread

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i hate that guy anti-racism...let's all switch our avatars and sigs to Hitler pictures...o wait...i'm jewish that would be a contradiction...ehh what the fuck...any takers? no? didn't think so...i'll go crawl into my little hole in the ground
noitcefrepdewalf said:
i hate that guy anti-racism...let's all switch our avatars and sigs to Hitler pictures...o wait...i'm jewish that would be a contradiction...ehh what the fuck...any takers? no? didn't think so...i'll go crawl into my little hole in the ground

Being a good Catholic, I, your gentile friend, have already done this for you, child of Israel.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
even worse is when people type really long run on sentences completely devoid of punctuation and then the sentences run into one another and then the next thing you know they've typed an entire paragraph without a single period comma or carriage return and when you are trying to read it it gives you a huge headache and then you realize what you were reading was just some moronic post about how the poster loves opeth or children of bodom or dragonforce and then you just want to take a 16 pound sledgehammer to your computer and light yourself on fire
:lol: I remember when The Greys used to have posts like that

withoug punctuation I mean.
Nah I was thinking to give him Death-Sympolic to listen. If that won´t do the work. Then I kill him.
And they advertise at myscape that they sound like Sounds Like
nou I hate this band more than limp piskit.:yell:
Death Animal said:
Nah I was thinking to give him Death-Sympolic to listen. If that won´t do the work. Then I kill him.
And they advertise at myscape that they sound like Sounds Like
nou I hate this band more than limp piskit.:yell:

Death is a good choice, but give him Scream Bloody Gore instead
I think I'm staring to hate dragonforce

valley of the damned, sonic firestorm, and the new one. It's all the same. Just speed, speed, speed, speed, speed.!!! ahhh!!!!
Xorv said:
I think I'm staring to hate dragonforce

valley of the damned, sonic firestorm, and the new one. It's all the same. Just speed, speed, speed, speed, speed.!!! ahhh!!!!

You forgot the basic structure:

Drums, casio , guitar guitar guitar , warbly singing, guitar, widdly widdly, guitar, casio, end
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