the hate thread

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Spectacular Views said:
yet another incisive insight into current affairs by ultimate metal forums general metal discussion poster "the greys"

I find some of the greys' overly-horny/angsty tirades kind of entertaining.
I'm 19 so the angst and stupidity is going to be there. I'm never dead serious or think oh since i'm a young adult I need to try and appear intelligent and more like an adult. Why would I want to be adult like.
Mike27 said:
Why the fuck would anyone make you pay to take a test? jesus

Because they can, and they know that people will pay. Btw, you have to pay to take the SAT? I never took it so I don't know.
Why would anyone want to take a test period. I must be born in the wrong times or something. People care so much about math,tests, and the future that is actually makes my life more pointless and harder because you need to know advanced math,etc... I just want to be simple happy person. The world and people was not intened on being this way. Thanks to nerds with a lot of time on their hands for ruining the world. :lol:

Things like this is why I started playing an intrument because originally it was a form of escape. You play an instrument by ear and form your own rules and regulations for the most part. You actually have a say for the first time about the creation and ending and reasoning. It's something that makes sense to me. It's sad that I would be considered more highly if I new a lot of math and went to college for bullshit just to get deskjob.(like that would make me really happy).
The Greys said:
Why would anyone want to take a test period. I must be born in the wrong times or something. People care so much about math,tests, and the future that is actually makes my life more pointless and harder because you need to know advanced math,etc... I just want to be simple happy person. The world and people was not intened on being this way. Thanks to nerds with a lot of time on their hands for ruining the world.

Things like this is why I started playing an intrument because originally it was a form of escape. You play an instrument by ear and form your own rules and regulations for the most part. You actually have a say for the first time about the creation and ending and reasoning. It's something that makes sense to me. It's sad that I would be considered more highly if I new a lot of math and went to college for bullshit just to get deskjob.(like that would make me really happy).

such wisdom today

Out of all the years people have existed how long out of all those years have math and tests been important,etc.. and bullshit. not very long

Why now

Why can't people just be people. Why does everyone have to have a lot of money to own a house and be happy. Why are people making life harder. Why in general

What if I don't mind having a thousand dollars. Should I have to have a crappy life or rent an apartment forever. I can't wait too die.
I'm assuming that's the new SAT, which is probably gayer than the old one which was gay in itself. I could it early in my junior year for free, got a good enough grade, and said fuck it. I still got the second highest grade of my graduating class, so what the hell does that say for the legitimacy of it? It's a wonder that colleges are only NOW starting to see through the bullshit on a larger scale.
Noone can ever tell your intelligence or ability based off of a fucking test. I hate the system we haven ow, where grades and tests tell your fucking future. Specifically the fine arts. How are you supposed to grade choir? Theatre? Art? How can fine arts be on the same system as math or english? How can a single test decide if you get into a good college or a shitty one? Who the fuck decided that this was a good system?

And how the fuck do we fix it? (Typical liberal, eh? Knows the problems but has no idea as to the solution)
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Actually it's a gigantic part for most college applications offices in seeing how academically qualified you are.

I didn't say that it wasn't. But some colleges are doing away with it altogether and many are beginning to question it and contemplate its validity.
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