the hate thread

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I really fucking hate being subjected to commercial radio at work. In fact I probably hate it more than anything else in the world. Top 40 gaylists recent and from years gone by, over and over and over and fucking OVER until I want to scream and smash things. If I have to hear Kelly fucking goddawful Clarkson bellowing "SINCE YOU BEEN GONE!!!!!!!" once more I may have to kill someone. It really grings my gears I tells ya. I've dreamt about hooking up a cd player to the dodgy P.A. system and blasting Brutal Truth - "Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses" full blast over and over until the morons I work with all expire with shock.

Thank you for your time, I just had to get that out.
Authentic Metalhead said:
Or having to take a shit right before you leave to go somewhere? It sucks when you're rushed, you don't finish the job completely and you regret it later. :mad:

I hate to forget to shit before school, then I must clench my ass all day.:mad:
It does, but who wants to shit in such filthy toilet? Most people in my school are afraid to sit on the fucking desk.
I never took a shit in a school toilet. The high school toilets did not have doors. That was not really a problem since i'm not going to sit on one of those toilets anyways. Majority of the time some assholes shit on the floor next to the toilets or pissed all over and what not.
Yeah it is common that toilets are pissed all over, also toilets often are out of order because some youngsters put toilet paper in the lavatory pan. Besides I want to shit in peace and I don't like to rush myself.
(M)aggoT said:
Besides I want to shit in peace and I don't like to rush myself.

Same here. Shitting is something you do in privacy. I can't shit when people are coming in and out of a bathroom. Regardless if people are going to piss people went in the bathroom anyways. I remember many times just wasting 10 minutes looking out the window. If I had to shit bad enough probably could in a mall or single's that have locks like at gas stations. I have been taking a piss in a bathroom while some has major shits. Imagine trying to take a shit while you can hear someone taking a shit. not for me:lol:
I live in upstate NY. Our schools are probably the lowest rated schools in the US, then again I have heard similiar things by others in the US. I never really cared for school or the kids. I don't know if it was just the school or if just I was too rebelous not caring. I don't point any blame on anyone except me in the end. I think once your parents move here your life is just sucked right out of you since you are 4 years old.
The Greys said:
Imagine trying to take a shit while you can hear someone taking a shit. not for me:lol:

Yeah, fart from the right, fart frome the left. It would be easier to shit while laughing.
xxbigdavexx117 said:
I'm 5'10 208 at about 10-11% BF

so my standards are fairly high... LOL - not to brag or anything

I love how people have no idea how to label/define me

you can see me wearing 65 70 dollar jeans while "blasphemy" is blasting in my car :lol: :lol:

You sound like my perfect man, I think you.
I hate that I can never get a heavy enough guitar sound. I always feel my sound could have more crunch or distortion(maybe i listen to way too much oldschool death metal). I might just hook three distortion pedals together :lol:
YES!!!! i have never found distortion heaven, it's always too dull or too high-pitched and feedbackish, i want something heavy so i hook up my death metal distortion pedal and turn the gain up on my amp but it isn't enough...ever
The Greys said:
I hate that I can never get a heavy enough guitar sound. I always feel my sound could have more crunch or distortion(maybe i listen to way too much oldschool death metal). I might just hook three distortion pedals together :lol:

I got THAT Entombed LHP era sound from my crappy unbranded guitar and an old Ross 60W amp, by dropping the fucking amp. It used to crackle a lot, and when I dropped it, it would stop crackling, but switching the over drive switch and turning up the bass and treble while turning the middle all the way down used to do the trick a treat.

Mind you, I still played guitar like the bad guy from that Harrison Ford flick where he's the doctor who didn't kill his wife!
The Greys said:
Same here. Shitting is something you do in privacy. I can't shit when people are coming in and out of a bathroom. Regardless if people are going to piss people went in the bathroom anyways. I remember many times just wasting 10 minutes looking out the window. If I had to shit bad enough probably could in a mall or single's that have locks like at gas stations. I have been taking a piss in a bathroom while some has major shits. Imagine trying to take a shit while you can hear someone taking a shit. not for me:lol:

When I'm takin a shit at school and somebody comes in (to the bathroom) I clench my ass like I'm in a turkish prison and just dropped the soap. I have no idea it's like a weird ass reflects almost like that clenching feeling you get when you're about spew.

I hate waking up with a boner having to piss really bad. Why have a boner. makes no sense
Happens to males when they dream. Whether the dream is sexual or not too, apparently. :)lol: though, your posts are hilarious)
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