the hate thread

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xxbigdavexx117 said:
offcourse not dumass

arnold has wonderful muscle shape, tiny waist, huge broad shoulders

but everyone can be 200-220 pounds of pure muscle

The fact is some people just don't want to be huge, they like the way they are naturally, is it really that hard to grasp.
can VVVV please delete like the last 2 pages??

this is pissing me off - I'm gonna send him a PM

alright last one

The fact is some people just don't want to be huge, they like the way they are naturally, is it really that hard to grasp.

that wasn't the argument. the argument was that its all about genetics. Everybody here can be huge without steroids and with an average genetic composition

this is the argument, I'm not saying everybody should be huge. Hell If I had it my way - everybody in the world would 50 lbs overweight or underweight (to make me look better)
xxbigdavexx117 said:
Hell If I had it my way - everybody in the world would 50 lbs overweight or underweight (to make me look better)

People like you are a cancer on society. Maybe someday you'll grow up and realise that it doesn't fucking matter what you look like. Most people who are so hellbent on looking "good" (which is subjective anyway, most of them look artificial and horrible if you ask me) generally have the intellect of a cow and couldn't say something interesting to save their mother's life. Which you aptly demonstrated in this thread.
xxbigdavexx117 said:
ectomorph - small guys who are naturally small - much difficulty in gaining weight - fairly small shoulders

ectomorph is the worst possible genetic makeup you can have - followed by endo and then meso is the best possible - many BBers are a combination of the 3 (I am 90% endo)

does anybody here know anything??

Several people do.

People like you are a cancer on society. Maybe someday you'll grow up and realise that it doesn't fucking matter what you look like.

girls think that way about us men. I'm totally out of shape and I've been single for about four years now.

to tell you the truth, a lot of men do too but our standards aren't as high, truth to be told.
People like you are a cancer on society. Maybe someday you'll grow up and realise that it doesn't fucking matter what you look like. Most people who are so hellbent on looking "good" (which is subjective anyway, most of them look artificial and horrible if you ask me) generally have the intellect of a cow and couldn't say something interesting to save their mother's life. Which you aptly demonstrated in this thread.

People like you are a cancer on society. Maybe someday you'll grow up and realise that it doesn't fucking matter what you look like. Most people who are so hellbent on looking "good" (which is subjective anyway, most of them look artificial and horrible if you ask me) generally have the intellect of a cow and couldn't say something interesting to save their mother's life. Which you aptly demonstrated in this thread.


Harsh? Isn't he just enthusiastic about another of his hobbies ?
I'm not one of those people who thinks that I'm superior to anybody because I have "TEH HYOOGE BICEPTS"

I engage in the art of bodybuilding as a passionate and wonderfully enjoyable hobby. This whole thread, I was attempting to erase many absurd and laughably inaccurate misconceptions about the wonderful art and sport of bodybuilding (as well as fitness in general). If you knew anything about bodybuilding, and felt as passionate about it as I do - you would react the exact same way as I have in this thread.

I certainly take pride in my appearance, but that's just one small aspect of who I am. I don't really care what anybody here looks like (hell - very small percentage of my friends are bodybuilding enthusiasts) - This was just a discussion about the sport of bodybuilding.

To me, bodybuilding is not the same as some dumb ass bitch who thinks she owns the world because she's genetically gifted + has some boob implants + has rich parents

bodybuilding to me is the manifestation of incredible dedication, unbelievebly brutal hard work (I train till every muscle fiber is annihilated), perserverence in the face of adversity (overcoming injuries/other obstacles), and impenetrable discipline

the muscles are superficial and materialistic at surface level, but on a deeper level they represent the many many times that I have said "no thanks" to pizza, alchohol. The many times I have said no thanks to stupid useless parties as I looked forward to my workout the next morning. The many times that I have come home so physically exhausted that I damn vomited on my couch.

This is my hobby and my passion, so please stop insulting it with your clearly misinformed and unbelievably ignorant opinions

bodybuilding looks glamorous and easy on television. you have no idea what hard work and pain is until you attempt to do what I do
Maybe the last sentence was harsh. Though if he does have something interesting to say then he certainly hasn't displayed it on this forum so far.

But I stand by the rest of my post.
The Greys said:
I hate how the first 3 mornings of puking ever in your life into a toilet all morning you never learn and do it 12+ more times and for 2,3 more years after. You still want to get drunk or wait too get drunk because it's much easy to do it than do something else in this world that likes to show how much talent and competence you don't have.

12 step recovery program ?

The Samaritans ? :erk:
xxbigdavexx117 said:
I'm not one of those people who thinks that I'm superior to anybody because I have "TEH HYOOGE BICEPTS"

I engage in the art of bodybuilding as a passionate and wonderfully enjoyable hobby. This whole thread, I was attempting to erase many absurd and laughably inaccurate misconceptions about the wonderful art and sport of bodybuilding (as well as fitness in general). If you knew anything about bodybuilding, and felt as passionate about it as I do - you would react the exact same way as I have in this thread.

I certainly take pride in my appearance, but that's just one small aspect of who I am. I don't really care what anybody here looks like (hell - very small percentage of my friends are bodybuilding enthusiasts) - This was just a discussion about the sport of bodybuilding.

To me, bodybuilding is not the same as some dumb ass bitch who thinks she owns the world because she's genetically gifted + has some boob implants + has rich parents

bodybuilding to me is the manifestation of incredible dedication, unbelievebly brutal hard work (I train till every muscle fiber is annihilated), perserverence in the face of adversity (overcoming injuries/other obstacles), and impenetrable discipline

the muscles are superficial and materialistic at surface level, but on a deeper level they represent the many many times that I have said "no thanks" to pizza, alchohol. The many times I have said no thanks to stupid useless parties as I looked forward to my workout the next morning. The many times that I have come home so physically exhausted that I damn vomited on my couch.

This is my hobby and my passion, so please stop insulting it with your clearly misinformed and unbelievably ignorant opinions

bodybuilding looks glamorous and easy on television. I have had several injuries (despite of my damn near flawless training principles) - you try going back to squatting after you have a lower back inflammation because of squatting (it's like a surfer going back in the water after being damn near eaten by a shark)

You were doing great until the bold portion. People have a problem with builders and fitness folks because of their unbelievably preachy body facism.

I have a confession. I used to weight lift and run. I would work out every day, and even, at one point, stopped drinking.

To be honest though, the holy trio were much more fun:-

Pizza, parties, beer.

They still are now, and my current body is a testament to the incredible dedication it requires to eat fast food and do fuck all exercise all week. You try eating a 14" hot and spicey pizza when you're so drunk you can't see (it's like trying to convert a forum full of non-exercisers).

I'm not asking for credit or approval

I'm just asking for you guys to stop insulting the sport when you clearly have absolutely no fucking clue about it

ohiogrinder... it's really not that hard to attract women - I used to have alot of trouble with it (when I was fat) - now girls basically pick me up (LOL)
Everyone knows the easiest way to pick women up is with a ball pein hammer. Right guys?

(have I listened to too much gore-grind?)
You were doing great until the bold portion. People have a problem with builders and fitness folks because of their unbelievably preachy body facism.

I have a confession. I used to weight lift and run. I would work out every day, and even, at one point, stopped drinking.

body facisM??

dude I'm a total Noob to bodybuilding - I don't know shit about bodybuilding

what I'm preaching is the ABSOLUTE most basics of weightlifting/fitness

I can't believe how ignorant and how jaw-dropping stupid some of the responses on this thread have been
Ok, xxbigdavexx117, its nice of you to get into sports and all. But sometimes it seems like you're crazy about that stuff.
And please stop the hell giving advices about attracting women, everytime I see that it makes me laughing out loud.
xxbigdavexx117 said:
body facisM??

dude I'm a total Noob to bodybuilding - I don't know shit about bodybuilding

what I'm preaching is the ABSOLUTE most basics of weightlifting/fitness

I can't believe how ignorant and how jaw-dropping stupid some of the responses on this thread have been

Case in point ?
~Neurotica said:
Ok, xxbigdavexx117, its nice of you to get into sports and all. But sometimes it seems like you're crazy about that stuff.
And please stop the hell giving advices about attracting women, everytime I see that it make me laugh out loud.

not women, girls

I don't know shit about women - though I shall certainly learn :)
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