the hate thread

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xxbigdavexx117 said:
when was I "gushing" over man muscles

oh i dunno

xxbigdavexx117 said:
he looks awesome... big but not huge (5"7" 220) - fucking shredded, great size in the lower body, great V taper, pretty good definition all round, small waist with huge shoulders, very solid calves etc...
MetalNoob said:

ectomorph - small guys who are naturally small - much difficulty in gaining weight - fairly small shoulders

ectomorph is the worst possible genetic makeup you can have - followed by endo and then meso is the best possible - many BBers are a combination of the 3 (I am 90% endo)

does anybody here know anything??
xxbigdavexx117 said:
ectomorph - small guys who are naturally small - much difficulty in gaining weight - fairly small shoulders

ectomorph is the worst possible genetic makeup you can have - followed by endo and then meso is the best possible - many BBers are a combination of the 3 (I am 90% endo)

does anybody here know anything??

I think the worst genetic make up would be down syndrome, but okay.
xxbigdavexx117 said:
I'm talkiing about normal, average, physically healthy males, genius

some of you guys should go post some of this stuff at - would be a great laugh for some of the veterans who have been lifting/training otherrs for the last 20 years

You're funny to us, mainly due to ignorance
Necuratul said:
Did you know that exceptions to the rule make the rule not true for any case? I didn't until digdave told me otherwise.

listen dumass - you can't expect to get results eating pizza and lifting 5 pound curls

I will bet my house on this - anybody on this board comes to workout with me for the next 5-6 years

they will be 200-220 pounds shredded 18-19 inch arms

absolutely anybody (assuming normal physical and mental health) - I'm tired of skinny people complaining about genetics when they eat 1000 calories a day and spend 30 minutes at a gym every month doing 5 LBs curls

you gain size from doing ass to grass 20-30 rep squats with maximum weight - then going home and eating 4-5-6 thousand calories a day

you guys are really funny to me... you have no idea what working out is - I workout an hour and a half well after I'm absolutely exhausting and I have nothing left in the tank (often times doing 20 rep squats with 225 then doing 8 more sets of legpress) - working out is not doing 5 lb curls - it is training till every fiber of the muscle is completely annihilated and you have trouble walking straight (and trouble sitting down for the next 2 or 3 days)
alright I'm finished talking to the ignorant

I tried to teach you something but you stick to your ignorant laughably uneducated opinions

this is generally how discussions go when I try to tell a rap fan what heavy metal/real music is about
xxbigdavexx117 said:
alright I'm finished talking to the ignorant

I tried to teach you something but you stick to your ignorant laughably uneducated opinions

this is generally how discussions go when I try to tell a rap fan what heavy metal/real music is about

You gave it a chance, but this place is not for you. Your posts contribute nothing, so if you want to stay then get used to lurking.

xxbigdavexx117 said:
alright I'm finished talking to the ignorant

I tried to teach you something but you stick to your ignorant laughably uneducated opinions

this is generally how discussions go when I try to tell a rap fan what heavy metal/real music is about

No, see, the thing is that you're stupid. If you think that anybody can look like a bodybuilder as long as they dedicate themselves to it, then you've been blinded by food supplement companies and personal trainers.
Necuratul said:
No, see, the thing is that you're stupid. If you think that anybody can look like a bodybuilder as long as they dedicate themselves to it, then you've been blinded by food supplement companies and personal trainers.


there are people at who were "hard-gainers" their whole life, who tried everything and never gained any weight

the second they found out about proper training principles and proper diet, all of them gained 30-50 pounds of muscle within 3 years

GROWHT CAN BE STIMULATED IN ANYBODY... stop being a fucking moron

I was a horribly fat kid my whole life until I found out about proper training/diet - I will be 230 Lbs shredded in 3 or 4 years without steroids and with a fairly average genetic composition
I didn't say GROWTH CAN'T BE STIMULATED IN EVERYBODY, so what the fuck are you rambling on about? Of course everyone can make improvements, but not everyone is going to look like Arnold.
offcourse not dumass

arnold has wonderful muscle shape, tiny waist, huge broad shoulders

we're talking about muscle mass here - not bodybuilding competitions

everybody can be 200-220-230 pounds of pure muscle with 15 years of balls out training, proper nutrition, and dedication
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