the hate thread

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What is the true definition of a person being "metal"? Anyone?

It's open to interpretation. The defiinition among our group here may well be very different from many other circles'.

My personal requirements for being metal are as follows:
1. Thou must enjoy real metal, not fake mainstream crap.
2. Thou must wear mainly black. Shirts suffice.
3. Thou must despise rap and hip-hop with a passion.
4. Thou must purchase your music because you truly support your favorite artists.
My personal requirements for being metal are as follows:
1. Thou must enjoy real metal, not fake mainstream crap.
2. Thou must wear mainly black. Shirts suffice.
3. Thou must despise rap and hip-hop with a passion.
4. Thou must purchase your music because you truly support your favorite artists.

I fit all those descriptions. But I'd like to add another:

5. Thou must be more intelligent about music than the average music fan.
I fit all those descriptions. But I'd like to add another:

5. Thou must be more intelligent about music than the average music fan.

As much as I myself fit that description, I don't think it's fair to those metalheads who enjoy their music simply because they do despite them not knowing fuck about music.
I remember saying something about Anaal Nathrakh to my "black metalish" female friend. I asked her if she likes "Oblivion Gene" song, and she said "yeah, I don't remember the song titles but Anaal Nathrakh shreds" and I was like "uh... so this means you don't know shit about them".
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