the hate thread

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Then obviously you haven't read it close enough. I mentioned that was my personal list of qualifications, pertaining to myself and perhaps a few others. Come up with your own list, and I won't condemn it the least bit.

So only a few people are "metal?"
It's open to interpretation. The defiinition among our group here may well be very different from many other circles'.

My personal requirements for being metal are as follows:
1. Thou must enjoy real metal, not fake mainstream crap.
2. Thou must wear mainly black. Shirts suffice.
3. Thou must despise rap and hip-hop with a passion.
4. Thou must purchase your music because you truly support your favorite artists.

I fail at 2 quite often. I'm fairly sure I'm a metalhead though...
I fail at 1, 2, 3 and 4 though the last one's mainly because I don't really check out much new music anymore.
that was directed at zephyrus who doesn't feel "metal" without wearing black and hating rap but somehow there's no conflict with being christian which is pretty lol
I love how you guys think I'm dictating what makes you metal. Make your own definitions, have fun with it.

Must be lustrous, ductile, malleable, and good conductors of electricity.

ahhh, much better.
I was hoping someone else would crack this gag, but noooo, you held it in and forced me into it. You only have yourselves to blame.
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