the hate thread

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i sayd that i liked your idea with canadians, and second, but i dunno, if you rock (i'm not talking about anyone here), do you realy havtta give yourself in show by wearing shirts with bands, for example?
While I will consider your statement, I must make a point to say this:

It's open to interpretation. The defiinition among our group here may well be very different from many other circles'.

My personal requirements for being metal are as follows:
1. Thou must enjoy real metal, not fake mainstream crap.
2. Thou must wear mainly black. Shirts suffice.
3. Thou must despise rap and hip-hop with a passion.
4. Thou must purchase your music because you truly support your favorite artists.

Don't wear black, but I qualify for everything else.
I remember saying something about Anaal Nathrakh to my "black metalish" female friend. I asked her if she likes "Oblivion Gene" song, and she said "yeah, I don't remember the song titles but Anaal Nathrakh shreds" and I was like "uh... so this means you don't know shit about them".

its not that uncommon to be familiar with a band and not their song titles man....i dont really know song titles for any but my very few most favorite albums
It's open to interpretation. The defiinition among our group here may well be very different from many other circles'.

My personal requirements for being metal are as follows:
1. Thou must enjoy real metal, not fake mainstream crap.
2. Thou must wear mainly black. Shirts suffice.
3. Thou must despise rap and hip-hop with a passion.
4. Thou must purchase your music because you truly support your favorite artists.

I'm so glad I'm not metal
It's open to interpretation. The defiinition among our group here may well be very different from many other circles'.

My personal requirements for being metal are as follows:
1. Thou must enjoy real metal, not fake mainstream crap.
2. Thou must wear mainly black. Shirts suffice.
3. Thou must despise rap and hip-hop with a passion.
4. Thou must purchase your music because you truly support your favorite artists.

I'd agree with that besides the wearing mainly black part, I only really waer black when going to gigs and the like.
I kind of agree with this. I dont think you have to wear black all the time. I usually do anyway, but not every day. I wouldnt buy a rap cd, but I enjoy the occasional song, for the beat and such. And as long as you purchase some, downloading isnt always bad.
It's open to interpretation. The defiinition among our group here may well be very different from many other circles'.

My personal requirements for being metal are as follows:
1. Thou must enjoy real metal, not fake mainstream crap.
2. Thou must wear mainly black. Shirts suffice.
3. Thou must despise rap and hip-hop with a passion.
4. Thou must purchase your music because you truly support your favorite artists.
This list is fucking laughable, I have no idea where to start.
Dän;5566171 said:
I'd agree with that besides the wearing mainly black part, I only really waer black when going to gigs and the like.

Sometimes I even wear white just to make people say, "woah, like that's different."
its not that uncommon to be familiar with a band and not their song titles man....

quite tr00.


have you heard the new Miho Hatori (the Cibo Matto chick) "Ecdysis"?

great, great, great, just ace stuff.

edit: lol i spelled cibo matto like 4 different ways before i got it right...

edit2: listening again... you'd totally dig this... it's got a kind of (first thing that pops into my head) insert-x-Canadapop-chick-singer-act but maybe more x-NewYorkpop edginess... meets sort of lounge-y sounding Thievery Corporation stuff meets some kind of vintage Tom Waits kind of orchestration of clangs and pings and background sound meets whatever it is I like about Frog Eyes' production but just not as loud... meets... I don't know... I definately hear some stuff that sounds like the more ambient bits on Broken Social Scene's first album... meets... um... probably meets some Japanese stuff that I don't even know about...

edit3: actually it sounds like none of that shit. it's just good.
Décadent;5566548 said:
It's not about the exceptions, it's about each and every one of those points being completely and utterly bullshit.

Then obviously you haven't read it close enough. I mentioned that was my personal list of qualifications, pertaining to myself and perhaps a few others. Come up with your own list, and I won't condemn it the least bit.
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