the hate thread

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oh yea I hate tools

you know who I am talking about... the douchebag wearing 110 dollar armani shirts, with 4 pound of hair in his gel, listening to FIDY cent in his car, who thinks mainstream rap is a real form of music

the douchebag who walks around in the gym with his wifebeater to show off his impressive 150 pound frame... the douchebag who goes to the gym and does chest and arms 5 times a week

tools suck

mainstream rap is the worst excuse for a form of music... when will they stop playing this garbage??

The word 'mainstream' before 'rap' is unnecessary
I hate hypocritical goth retards who preach individualism and non-conformity... and dress and act exactly just like every other goth retard in the world

yea... real unique there :rolleyes:
I hate hypocritical goth retards who preach individualism and non-conformity... and dress and act exactly just like every other goth retard in the world

yea... real unique there :rolleyes:

I hate people who shamelessly stereotype others.

Every goth I know and am friends with are the most cheerful and individual group of people you will ever meet. Make some real friends and you wont have to steal completely typical profiling comments from other people to post on a messageboard to make yourself feel cool.

I hate bodybuilding faggots. They are all the same roid popping, full of themselves assholes. See, I can generalize too!
the douchebag who walks around in the gym with his wifebeater to show off his impressive 150 pound frame... the douchebag who goes to the gym and does chest and arms 5 times a week

Yeah I hate that..he puts on his max weight first just to show off, and then needs a spotter help him with the rest of them. Then he leaves the weight on the bar, leaving other people to put them back.

I can't see it, but I may have it adblocked. Click the mountain looking icon and paste just the URL. That will put it up there.
What do i hate:
What is with certain members of the metal community who refuse to accept any new metal bands or any later release albums from artists...These guys always says that the latest release from a band is shit and will only listen to the bands first albums... If a band releases more than 2 albums they become sell outs....These guys always go on about how a band isn't original (as long as it has some mad head banging beats who cares I say?) .... Whinge whinge fucking whinge........ I say throw your fists in the air and shut the fuck up.....or start your own metal band!
As far as i'm concerned the metal scene has been getting better year by year ...

What do i like:
All the rest of you crazy fuckers out there taking it all in and loving it. Fuck rap , fuck pop, Metal is where its at ... i'll see you in the mosh :headbang:

*Blindfred packs bong:Smokin: ....thinks about deleting this crazy nonsensical rambling..... packs another bong:Smokin: then presses sumbit reply*
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