the hate thread

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I hate!!! It's fucking gay!!! I need it, repeat NEED it, to complete a project, and the site fucks up. The damn thing is due tomorrow. I was working on it at school and the fucking internet at school got retarded. Now I'm finishing it here and that site is being retarded!!! Luckily I have a fall-back... CD-RW's. But that's gonna be a bitch.
Well, over in Italy you have people who clean up cities and places, but here in America, we don't have that. If you litter, either criminals serving community service pick it up, or just people who volunteer. I'm one of those people who volunteer.

Do you not understand how fucking ARROGANT AND SELFISH and how high up a person must think they are that when they are done drinking their coca cola they can just fucking drop it on the path outside or throw it out their car window to hit some squirrel on the head with it? It honestly astounds me, how special everyone thinks they are, and how they think only they matter and nothing else. It makes me sick.

Ironically that's what ends up happening to that can of coke anyways. We bag it, and allow it to be taken to a landfill to lay there for the rest of it's existance to became apart of nature once more. Bastards!
People who constantly yell out obscure songs for bands to play at gigs. And what's with that guy who always yells out "Freebird"? He goes to a lot of gigs....
Well, over in Italy you have people who clean up cities and places, but here in America, we don't have that. If you litter, either criminals serving community service pick it up, or just people who volunteer. I'm one of those people who volunteer.

Do you not understand how fucking ARROGANT AND SELFISH and how high up a person must think they are that when they are done drinking their coca cola they can just fucking drop it on the path outside or throw it out their car window to hit some squirrel on the head with it? It honestly astounds me, how special everyone thinks they are, and how they think only they matter and nothing else. It makes me sick.

Ok Ok, for you and the Squirrels im gunna stop doing it. I love those little guys.
I also abhor littering. I reserve a special hatred for cunts who flick their cigarette butts out of their car windows when they're done smoking them. what the fuck is wrong with these people?

I also hate:-

people who park in "no parking" zones (i.e. on double yellow lines)
people who park in disabled bays and aren't spazzed up
people who park in parent and toddler bays (this really, REALLY grips my shit, especially when I'm struggling with the boys to get them out of/ in to the car because some fat accountant in a merc parked in my space)

Special topical hate to the wanker in the crowd who kept shouting "fuck you! you're not rock n' roll" at Lemmy at the gig last night. After about six songs, I just had to reach out and punch him in the back of the head. When he looked round, I acted all innocent, but given he was about 5'2'' and looked like a fucking accountant, it wouldn't have mattered anyway!
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