Personally, what I hate is when people don't properly label their mp3 tags and filenames. Sure, I'm thankful for that person's decency to upload the music but for the convenience of others, why not fix them?
And before anyone can say "if you don't like it then don't download it" - I don't see how hard it is to label the tags prior or after to ripping the cd, or at least fixing your ripping program so that they dont look like shit.
peste noire > la sanie des siecles - panegyrique de la degenerescence [2006] >
peste_noire_-_la sanie des siecles - panegyrique de la degenerescence_-_08-des medecins malades et des saint sequestres_hxty!.mp3"
- it is all in lowercase letters
- plenty of underscores
- lacking punctuation like commas etc...
- lacking the correct letter usage in the bands native language
- excessive amount of garbage found within
- and the filename is so long that it will most surely get cut off
Why do that when it can look like this:
Panzerchrist > (2006) Battalion Beast >
06 - Flame of the Panzerchrist.mp3"