the hate thread

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I would shoot them with paintball guns and they would like WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT. I would be hidden and just annoy them with paintballs for 24 hours on end. I would have to purchase an army styled immolation t-shirt first before going to Iraq.

I would just shoot a terrorist so much with paintballs they would eventually just get so frusterated killing themselves.
that is good idea

see i would jam a pike into their stomachs rip out their intestines and hang them with it...Hellhammer would be proud of my vicious ways (keeps a serious face) (then breaks out laughing maniacly) (abruptly stops)
I hate seeing kids skate boaring, I just want to kick there asses!

I hate bikers who have room to move over and do not because they're assholes. go to hell!
After you kick his ass and he's on the ground hit him in the face with the dull end of a hammer.
I hate the fact i've been drinking coffee heavily for around 8 weeks in an almost binging manner :erk:

i'm starting to scare myself

I'm fucking addicted and can't function without.
I hate ppl who understand that you are depend of them somehow (for example some teachers in my university, when I'm about to graduate) and they start to use it and put a shit on you, knowing that you'll have to carry all this shit, coz you just have no choice...
Just wait, bitches, someday you'll be cleaning after my cat.
I hate people who live in California and complain about it. YOU LIVE IN FUCKING CALIFORNIA! Alot of people would give alot to live there,or even go there. I went last year and I loved it. It was beautiful,and really fun. Sure as hell beats Upper Darby and those other lesser known city suburbs:puke:
\m/NikkiePhillie\m/ said:
I hate people who live in California and complain about it. YOU LIVE IN FUCKING CALIFORNIA! Alot of people would give alot to live there,or even go there. I went last year and I loved it. It was beautiful,and really fun. Sure as hell beats Upper Darby and those other lesser known city suburbs:puke:

Pffff... Try to live here, where I live. And you'll forget about California. And will be thinking of your home as of heaven. Try to live here just a half of a year. Here, where prices are europenian, but wages and standarts in 5-10 lower.
What the hell is emo about my coffee post. Fuck you for being optimistic!
i hate all of the left winged fucks at my uni
sure i respect you for whatever you believe, but for fucks sake there is only so many bush and howard jokes i can stand
The fucken hippies say dont drink beer as it 'hurts the cows' or whatever shit they go on about...fuck them
In fact, im gonna get a fucken beer now :kickass:

Im sick of being told i am an evil capitalist - of course i am a fucking capitlalist, how the fuck else am i gonna make money...bloody fucks

i got on thing to say to them... Smash Communism

sorry to get ritious on you all...they really shit me
I fucking hate what a persons life has become.You spend 20 years of your life at school and university having all these people tell you you must study to become successful.You spend more than 2 years to find a job that is decent and then you work all day long for the government to take your money and let you starve to death or kill your self.And if you survive to retire you get a cheap ass pension that couldn’t support a stray dog.
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