the hate thread

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I hate pop music and club music. I also hate chavs, judgemental people and people who ask other people to make decisions for them. Oh and I also hate people who are rich and snobby.
Rich kids at our schools are just complete bitches.

All they do is act like they are so much better because of the green paper they showerd up to their fucking head in.

I seriously just want to beat the crap out of one and see if they can use some of that money for Self Defense lessons, because I'll be back bitch!
TheVaine said:
Anyone else hate it when kids blast hip-hop or rap shit out their car?


You just hear random THUMPS. How the hell can these kids and drive while listening to something so loud going THUMP.... THUMP THUMP
yeh, they're all cunts really, and the thing is they have all the best stuff! Society is a bitch. My dad works 24/7 on the garden centre, and gets sod all for it, so as u can probably imagine, I have a lot of respect for him.
The Greys said:
I hate seeing kids skate boaring, I just want to kick there asses!

Fuck you! I'm a skater! However, I do take it seriously and am not just some little shitty kid. I mean, I could kickflip you if you kneeled down, therefore I wouldn't get in your way or anything. What's wrong with skaters anyway? (Apart from the fact most of them are G Unit or MCR to the max).
Danallica said:
i hate all of the left winged fucks at my uni
sure i respect you for whatever you believe, but for fucks sake there is only so many bush and howard jokes i can stand
The fucken hippies say dont drink beer as it 'hurts the cows' or whatever shit they go on about...fuck them
In fact, im gonna get a fucken beer now :kickass:

Im sick of being told i am an evil capitalist - of course i am a fucking capitlalist, how the fuck else am i gonna make money...bloody fucks

i got on thing to say to them... Smash Communism [

sorry to get ritious on you all...they really shit me

It always amazes me how many socialists and communists there are in college.
I fuckin hate commies, liberals, hippies. Bunch of dicks, the fact is they actually no fuck all about what they 'believe' they are. Just same old shit, 'Capitalism is so shit man, like corporations are making money out of us man, like yeh totally'

Errr you wouldnt have the freedom you have today if you were living in a communist society, fags!
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