the hate thread

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I hate that my illegal copy of Soul Calibur 3 got badly scratched and became unplayable so I got lured into buying Tekken 5. God, what a boring piece of beautified trash. What does everyone see in this game?:confused:

Sucks man, for real. SC2 was probably the best of the series for my money, but to be honest, I have always wondered how Namco could produce such a sublime series as the Soul Caliburs, then produce such an empty mash-fest as the Tekken series...:erk:
Yeah, but who wants to play an "ok" game ? Especially in the beat em up field, where there are some "great" games. To be honest, why anyone would choose to play Tekken over SC2/3 or the Virtua Fighter series is beyond my comprehension.
I've only managed to finish obliterating everyone with Kilik in the tales of souls mode up to when it happened- the disk slipped out of fmy hand when I was putting it away... and ring out for good:erk: But meh, it's ok. I'll definitely buy it again. It only cost me 4 bucks:lol:
Soul Calibur is awesome. I slay with nightmare and Siegfried.

I am SOOOOO bad at Soul Calibur. I totally get my ass kicked when I play that.

I kick ass, however, at this low-budget shit game called Urban Reign. I totally kick ass as the Asian porn star. I think I fished that game of out the EB games bargain bin for about $10. Beautiful investment.
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