the hate thread

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NICE, CUNT! I hear that word more times from people here than the porn I watch on a daily basis. Could be the most repetitive word besides Fuck or Metal on this forum, but REAL original, NICE!

And the Colts are gay, and Dwight Freeney is going to be on a different team next year, which is just going to do WONDERS to your pass rushing game, and I'm really looking forward to them missing the playoffs!

Now, I have one more thing to say.... Though I hate you and I hate your avatar and your sig, we have something in common.... That Cythraul guy is just absolutely atrocious looking, and though I have no problem with his opinions, I find his face to be something that should be buried under miles and miles of concrete. You can fight with him all you want, just... when you do... let him know how ugly i think he is ok?:puke:

The Colts own your soul, and they are going to franchise Freeney anyways. Colts miss the playoffs? Hahah ya, that'll happen when you get a brain son. gl
Now, I have one more thing to say.... Though I hate you and I hate your avatar and your sig, we have something in common.... That Cythraul guy is just absolutely atrocious looking, and though I have no problem with his opinions, I find his face to be something that should be buried under miles and miles of concrete. You can fight with him all you want, just... when you do... let him know how ugly i think he is ok?:puke:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, but there's nothing like white bread from Wonder.


I went through a phase about six months ago where the thought of white bread made me want to vomit. It still gets to me. The only way I'll eat white bread now is if it's crispy from the toaster.
TELL ME IM WRONG, HAVE YOU SEEN HIM?!!? He is absolute proof that God has a sense of humor. Either that or the Devil sends people to earth too, just to make my stomach turn. That man's face could curdle milk or give an infant down syndrome.:puke:

the only pics of him I have seen is with that fake mustouche and his face looks pretty average to me
In that case I owe him an apology. I said the other day if anyone could tell me he wasn't the most Neanderthal looking, horsefaced, cerial rapist motherfucker they had ever seen I would say I'm sorry, and you have done it.

I went through a phase about six months ago where the thought of white bread made me want to vomit. It still gets to me. The only way I'll eat white bread now is if it's crispy from the toaster.

Pretty much the only time I'll eat un-toasted white bread is when it's got peanut butter and jelly on it, or sometimes just the pb. Other than that, something about white bread just seems a little.. off.
Pretty much the only time I'll eat un-toasted white bread is when it's got peanut butter and jelly on it, or sometimes just the pb. Other than that, something about white bread just seems a little.. off.

It's too squishy.

Taking biology courses also shied me away from it. The bread breaks down in your mouth because of the enzymes in your saliva. ;)
I hate that, too. Or when you are in a public bathroom that has one of those automated toilets that flushes when you step away, but it doesn't work and every ten seconds flushes and gives your ass a swirly.

I hate this!!! One time I was in a public bathroom taking a shit and a bunch of people came piling in and whenever I tried to wipe my ass the damn thing would flush. It was terrible. Everyone looked at me like wtf is up with this guy when I was leaving.
wtf, I never get bugged by anyone on myspace.

I am going to start sexually harassing you via myspace. Hope that makes you feel better.
OK, maybe thats why you're so ugly, cuz if God or WHOEVER gave you brains it HAD to make up for what a hideous fucking chud you are.

About Pink Floyd... Yes they are good, yes they will be around thirty years from now, blah blah blah, BUT DONT YOU DARE GO COMPARING THEM TO SLICED BREAD! Do you have any idea how many people eat bread every day? It doesn't matter what race, religion, ethnicity, age, or genre of life you come from, you think bread is fucking delicious. Put anything in the middle of it, you got a sandwich. THAT, my friend, is innovation. Call Pink Floyd sliced bread again and ill put you in a sandwich and punt your ass to whatever god you wish.

But Cythraul, seriously, you're hideous.

Your lame attempts to stir up a laugh have resulted in nothing. gtfo.
Explain the first...

As for the second, that's just irony personified my friend, and just go to the grocery store its like 88 cents. At least for the college brand, that wonder bread shit is expensive.

Like black metal bands that don't use corpse paint or pose for gr1m band photos or power metal bands that have short-haired members.

the only pics of him I have seen is with that fake mustouche and his face looks pretty average to me

Can I get my hands on some of these pics? :heh:
TELL ME IM WRONG, HAVE YOU SEEN HIM?!!? He is absolute proof that God has a sense of humor. Either that or the Devil sends people to earth too, just to make my stomach turn. That man's face could curdle milk or give an infant down syndrome.:puke:

Congratulations, you win "unfunniest poster of the year so far". Could be very hard to beat, too. You've put up a mighty plethora of yawnworthy comedic attempts.
I hate people who only listen to certain music to "be cool" or "fit in" rather then listen to music they enjoy, I've seen it so much around here....

"If you dont listen to XXX genre your a fag" type of shit annoys me.
I hate people who only listen to certain music to "be cool" or "fit in" rather then listen to music they enjoy...

Aye, that does bother me as well.

I love Bjork, Tori Amos, and Fiona Apple, and I have no problem throwing them into my collection of Korpiklaani, Vader, and everything in between.
Congratulations, you win "unfunniest poster of the year so far". Could be very hard to beat, too. You've put up a mighty plethora of yawnworthy comedic attempts.

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE. You are sooooooooo metal because you didn't laugh, niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. I raise my metal horns at your serious demeanor:headbang: . I am sooooooooooooooooo bummed you didn't find my comment funny, and I hail to your stoic behavior:worship:. Really, it makes you the most METAL DUDE AROUND, and I dedicate the rest of my life to making you laugh.

Actually, just because YOU are unhappy with whatever it is in your life that makes you this way doesn't mean you need to try to have other people feel the same way. I'm glad you don't find me funny, maybe your sophisticated sense of humor is just TOO much for me, and I apologize for the atrophy your brain endured by reading my post. HERE'S AN IDEA, DON'T FUCKING READ IT. Stop thinking you're cool because you didn't laugh at something that I really didn't intend on people laughing at in the first place. Doing something like that doesn't make you more metal, it makes you a prick.
Your lame attempts to stir up a laugh have resulted in nothing. gtfo.

You and SatansToeNail can go drink your coffee and discuss the finer points of the correct sense of humor, honestly I don't give a fuck what you think. If you wana neg rep me for my comment do so, but don't filth up the forum with your comments about absolutely nothing...

Oh yeah, and fuck yourself.:danceboy:
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