the hate thread

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You are funny at times, but honestly, I think you are going to get banned.

If I get banned it will probably be the best thing that has ever happened to me... I would get so much more sleep if I wasn't on this stupid fucking forum at all hours of the night.

Plus, if they ban me because some other homo doesn't think I'm funny, then my god is that sad. OOOOOOH NOOOOO I've disturbed the peace, thats pretty puss if you ask me.

AND BTW: how do i check rep n shit?
Yeah I hear ya, but shit happens.

click on user cp at the top left and it will bring it up

Wow I have a lot of both good and bad... Either people like me or they would rather cut off my nuts than look at me, kind of funny.

I find it rather amusing that people take their musical views more serious than anything in their lives. If you are in a band, and people say they don't like your band, I can understand that. If someone says they don't like COB, and you act like Jesus just told you you weren't getting into heaven, I find that absolutely hilarious.

But if Hawk or anyone else wants to ban me, then they can do it, its just sad people can't take care of their own issues, they need daddy to do it, even when they are 20+ years old. Oh well. Oh and the colts are still gay. Congrats on the Superbowl-i didnt even watch- and I'm from Chicago-i hate the bears- but really, they are the most boring team in the NFL to watch.

At least you stick by them, at least from what I've seen. Just as long as you weren't a pittsburgh fan last year and a Pats fan the year before and so on and so forth.
I dunno if I hate this or not but it is......8.51 in the morning, ive been round my mates house since 5pm yesturday. I havent gone to sleep at all. Im still drinking beer, im so tired but I dont wanna sleep because ill sleep for the rest of the day which is a waste. But yeh I hate feeling tired, but its been an awesome night so I love it at the same time. Beer is probably talking. Ill shut the fuck up.
I hate people (mostly Black/Death Metal fans) who bash Power Metal. No offense, but seriously, you should try being a bit more open-minded. So what if the lyrics are cheesy, its still fucking good music and more importantly, its METAL.

Mainly because the guy who quoted me in the 'Metal Awards' thread, said 'Power Metal bands shouldn't be honored'. WTF, since when is a band like Symphony X, Angra or Blind Guardian unworthy of honor?

I like Death and Black Metal to an extent (Emperor, Deicide, Amon Amarth, etc.). I could say its all about satan and killing, corpses, but I don't, because I also know its something more than that, being a fan of the above mentioned bands, and I respect the genres. I just wish some metal fans wouldn't make sweeping, general statements about a genre they don't like, for some reason.
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I hate people (mostly Black/Death Metal fans) who bash Power Metal. No offense, but seriously, you should try being a bit more open-minded. So what if the lyrics are cheesy, its still fucking good music and more importantly, its METAL.

Mainly because the guy who quoted me in the 'Metal Awards' thread, said 'Power Metal bands shouldn't be honored'. WTF, since when is a band like Symphony X, Angra or Blind Guardian unworthy of honor?

I dunno if I hate this or not but it is......8.51 in the morning, ive been round my mates house since 5pm yesturday. I havent gone to sleep at all. Im still drinking beer, im so tired but I dont wanna sleep because ill sleep for the rest of the day which is a waste. But yeh I hate feeling tired, but its been an awesome night so I love it at the same time. Beer is probably talking. Ill shut the fuck up.

Oh I hate that fucking feeling then you have to fight and fight to stay awake all day just for the sake of being on schedule.
Wow I have a lot of both good and bad... Either people like me or they would rather cut off my nuts than look at me, kind of funny.

I find it rather amusing that people take their musical views more serious than anything in their lives. If you are in a band, and people say they don't like your band, I can understand that. If someone says they don't like COB, and you act like Jesus just told you you weren't getting into heaven, I find that absolutely hilarious.

But if Hawk or anyone else wants to ban me, then they can do it, its just sad people can't take care of their own issues, they need daddy to do it, even when they are 20+ years old. Oh well. Oh and the colts are still gay. Congrats on the Superbowl-i didnt even watch- and I'm from Chicago-i hate the bears- but really, they are the most boring team in the NFL to watch.

At least you stick by them, at least from what I've seen. Just as long as you weren't a pittsburgh fan last year and a Pats fan the year before and so on and so forth.

I like this dude.

And Amarantus is a cool guy and all, but the Colts really are gay. I probably think this because I am a devoted New England fan. But the funny thing is, I am the least Colts-hater in my house. Everyone else refuses to even acknowlege the Colts as a good team, or Peyton Manning as a good quarterback. The people in my house hate the Colts more than we hate...


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I like this dude.

And Amarantus is a cool guy and all, but the Colts really are gay. I probably think this because I am a devoted New England fan. But the funny thing is, I am the least Colts-hater in my house. Everyone else refuses to even acknowlege the Colts as a good team, or Peyton Manning as a good quarterback. The people in my house hate the Colts more than we hate...



Typical Pats fans right there. Most Colts fans are the complete opposite of the asshole Pats fans. The Colts fans know and willingly accept how great the Pats organization has been for years and will continue to be for years. We've got nothing but respect for that team and organization, call it envy if you wish. Considering you guys knocked us out of the playoffs 3 times, I think we have a pretty good reason to hate your fucking guts, but we don't. That's life in the NFL. People who are Pats fans just make up bullshit to hate the Colts because you all realized it was just a matter of time before we ended up sticking it to you. "I hate Peyton Manning so fucking much!" Why? Because he's great? Because he will most likely go down in history as one of the top 5 QB's in history? As if Tom Brady won't either? It's getting really tiresome. I go to the Pats SB Nation blog all the time and all they do is talk shit about the Colts, and how the Colts organization is full of cry babies. How all of the games the Pats seem to play in are "rigged." Oh noo! Everyone is out to get the Pats! They are just jealous we've won 3 Super Bowls! Boo fucking hoo. It's non-stop, and now none of them can or even will acknowledge the fact, we were better than you this year (finally). But hey that's cool. I don't need a Pats fan's approval for to like the Colts. One of, if not THE classiest organization in football in every aspect.

Sorry for the rant, but that's how I feel.

edit: And for once, will you at least give me the common courtesy and justify your reasoning for why the colts are "gay." Let's not be stupid and just throw out retarded shit for the sake of it.
But if Hawk or anyone else wants to ban me, then they can do it, its just sad people can't take care of their own issues, they need daddy to do it, even when they are 20+ years old. Oh well. Oh and the colts are still gay. Congrats on the Superbowl-i didnt even watch- and I'm from Chicago-i hate the bears- but really, they are the most boring team in the NFL to watch.

At least you stick by them, at least from what I've seen. Just as long as you weren't a pittsburgh fan last year and a Pats fan the year before and so on and so forth.

Negative, I'm a diehard Colts fan. Have been all my life.
You and SatansToeNail can go drink your coffee and discuss the finer points of the correct sense of humor, honestly I don't give a fuck what you think. If you wana neg rep me for my comment do so, but don't filth up the forum with your comments about absolutely nothing...

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE. You are sooooooooo metal because you didn't laugh, niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. I raise my metal horns at your serious demeanor:headbang: . I am sooooooooooooooooo bummed you didn't find my comment funny, and I hail to your stoic behavior:worship:. Really, it makes you the most METAL DUDE AROUND, and I dedicate the rest of my life to making you laugh.

Actually, just because YOU are unhappy with whatever it is in your life that makes you this way doesn't mean you need to try to have other people feel the same way. I'm glad you don't find me funny, maybe your sophisticated sense of humor is just TOO much for me, and I apologize for the atrophy your brain endured by reading my post. HERE'S AN IDEA, DON'T FUCKING READ IT. Stop thinking you're cool because you didn't laugh at something that I really didn't intend on people laughing at in the first place. Doing something like that doesn't make you more metal, it makes you a prick.

*ignore list*.

You are also very lucky that I ain't mod.
I hate the Yanks too. Steinbrenner can die for all I care.

I believe he's on his way out. His health has been declining steadily these past few years, and he's all but completley relinquished control of the team. It makes me sad because he's done so much to try and give us (the fans) what we want.

Steinbrenner may be an asshole, yes. An incredible asshole, even, but his skill as an owner can not be overlooked. He will (or would, I guess) do anything in his power to help the team win, and in that sense other owners should try to be more like him. And he's apparently a big philanthropist of some kind in his community, so claims that he's "greedy" are unfounded.

But, yeah, he can be a real douche.
I dunno if I hate this or not but it is......8.51 in the morning, ive been round my mates house since 5pm yesturday. I havent gone to sleep at all. Im still drinking beer, im so tired but I dont wanna sleep because ill sleep for the rest of the day which is a waste. But yeh I hate feeling tired, but its been an awesome night so I love it at the same time. Beer is probably talking. Ill shut the fuck up.

I know exactly what you're talking about. The same thing happens to me every tuesday night without fail. It's all good until everyone leaves, then it's a struggle to stay up until at least 9 or so.
Typical Pats fans right there. Most Colts fans are the complete opposite of the asshole Pats fans. The Colts fans know and willingly accept how great the Pats organization has been for years and will continue to be for years. We've got nothing but respect for that team and organization, call it envy if you wish. Considering you guys knocked us out of the playoffs 3 times, I think we have a pretty good reason to hate your fucking guts, but we don't. That's life in the NFL. People who are Pats fans just make up bullshit to hate the Colts because you all realized it was just a matter of time before we ended up sticking it to you. "I hate Peyton Manning so fucking much!" Why? Because he's great? Because he will most likely go down in history as one of the top 5 QB's in history? As if Tom Brady won't either? It's getting really tiresome. I go to the Pats SB Nation blog all the time and all they do is talk shit about the Colts, and how the Colts organization is full of cry babies. How all of the games the Pats seem to play in are "rigged." Oh noo! Everyone is out to get the Pats! They are just jealous we've won 3 Super Bowls! Boo fucking hoo. It's non-stop, and now none of them can or even will acknowledge the fact, we were better than you this year (finally). But hey that's cool. I don't need a Pats fan's approval for to like the Colts. One of, if not THE classiest organization in football in every aspect.

Most Pats fans are bandwagoners anyways. Ask them how "diehard" they were when Scott Zolak was their QB.
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