the hate thread

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My clock radio is fucked up, so it won't switch to "buzzer", meaning I have no choice but to wake up to the radio. It was nice at first, because I had it set to a pretty decent classic rock station. However, a couple of monthes ago, the station suddenly and without warning switched formarts and became a smooth jazz stations.

Do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to wake up to smooth jazz?

Ouch. My wife, knowing I'm getting into jazz, occasionally plays the smooth jazz radio station. It is to jazz as *insert Jr. High emo band* is to punk.

I actually like some of the music okay on its own terms, but as a radio format, smooth jazz sucks ass. Elevator music.
My clock radio is fucked up, so it won't switch to "buzzer", meaning I have no choice but to wake up to the radio. It was nice at first, because I had it set to a pretty decent classic rock station. However, a couple of monthes ago, the station suddenly and without warning switched formarts and became a smooth jazz stations.

Do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to wake up to smooth jazz?

shoot the bitch
Ok, I know this is the hate thread, but the love thread is homo so I'm going to tell you something I love. That Godamn Dropkick Murphy's theme song on The Departed soundtrack. The song is fuckin queer but that little irish jiggy shit makes me bang my head.:kickass: either that or do a dance.:kickass:

However, I do hate how so many ties in that movie are never completed, and with my loser life I have nothing else to think about besides such things. For instance, is the baby the psych lady having Matt Damon's or Leo DiCaprio's? I know she gives the picture to Matt Damon, but when she hears the tape she says "And I thought I was the liar."-What the fuck? Why put that in the movie?

Oh well I didn't mean to interrupt your little jazz discussion, but that really chaps my ass. Oh and fuck baseball, whatever beauty the game once had has been lost to the lack of salary cap and overpriced overpriviledged teams such as the Yankees and the Red Sox. I understand the salary cap completely ruined hockey, but not having one is making the playoffs as predictable as...(insert lame analogy)... From now on if I want to watch baseball I watch ESPN classic or stick to Bull Durham or Major League, fuck watching it now.

Back to the DEPARTED.
Ok, I know this is the hate thread, but the love thread is homo so I'm going to tell you something I love. That Godamn Dropkick Murphy's theme song on The Departed soundtrack. The song is fuckin queer but that little irish jiggy shit makes me bang my head.:kickass: either that or do a dance.:kickass:

However, I do hate how so many ties in that movie are never completed, and with my loser life I have nothing else to think about besides such things. For instance, is the baby the psych lady having Matt Damon's or Leo DiCaprio's? I know she gives the picture to Matt Damon, but when she hears the tape she says "And I thought I was the liar."-What the fuck? Why put that in the movie?

Oh well I didn't mean to interrupt your little jazz discussion, but that really chaps my ass. Oh and fuck baseball, whatever beauty the game once had has been lost to the lack of salary cap and overpriced overpriviledged teams such as the Yankees and the Red Sox. I understand the salary cap completely ruined hockey, but not having one is making the playoffs as predictable as...(insert lame analogy)... From now on if I want to watch baseball I watch ESPN classic or stick to Bull Durham or Major League, fuck watching it now.

Back to the DEPARTED.

1: Awesome movie.

2: There is going to be a sequel, jackass.

3: Oh yeah, dude! Everyone knew that the Tigers would knock the Yankees out of the playoffs, right? Right?!? And everyone knew that Boston would finish behind Toronto, and that St. Louis would beat the Mets! Oh yeah- those $14 mil. Marlins? Hell, EVERYONE was predicting that they'd make a run at the post season! Get a clue, you ignorant fuck.

4: Kill yourself.
it is absurd to say baseball is becoming predictable

the fucking cardinals last year won the series with an 83 win season, easily the worst team ever to win the title

how many times over the last few seasons has a wildcard team won teh series???

baseball is entirely unpredictable

edit: I'd say it was more predictable in the late 90s when you had teams like atlanta, cleveland, and new york constantly dominating year in and year out. Last few years, we have seen tremendous competition across the league
Since, ummmm, about a year ago? Mabey a little less. I have always smoked weed, but I started cutting down and ended up picking up cigs instead. I have completely stopped smoking weed for the time being, as well as drinking and other drugs. I am in some mandatory court appointed counseling type thing, where I get drug tested etc.

It's pretty lame.
Ive been smoking for 5 years, and have no intention to quit, which kinda sucks, I enjoy it but then all these adverts about smoking and death, etc are annoying. However some smoking ban is coming in the UK where you can only smoke at home. Not at the pub, on streets, etc. So that might force me to quit.
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