the hate thread

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Yeah, I enjoy smoking cigs. Sure, once you think about it it's a little grimy, plus cancer does not sound like fun. That sort of makes me want to quit, but I don't think I'm going to bother for quite a while.
I hate that I thought zombie sucked the first time seeing it. I can easily say now it's the best zombie movie EVER.


Yeah, I enjoy smoking cigs. Sure, once you think about it it's a little grimy, plus cancer does not sound like fun. That sort of makes me want to quit, but I don't think I'm going to bother for quite a while.

It began with one cig a day and after 6 months now I smoke one pack each day.

plus it's very costly, I smoke Marlboros reds btw.
I don't think it's possible to become physically addicted to weed. You can become dependent on it, sure, but I don't think it's like cigarrettes or hard drugs were your body starts to need it.

I could be wrong, though.
No, I'm pretty sure thats accurate.

I smoke cheap cigs, mostly lights and ultra lights. I like the taste better (I know, isnt that weird), plus I get sick from smoking easily, so anything else wrecks me. I think I have a pretty weak body.
perhaps, working out/exercise will oftentimes give you the euphoric high that you crave from alchohol/drugs (except it will be a natural and healthy high, unlike alchohol/drugs/tobacco).

try it out
I always find that after ive done exercise im dying for a cig. Feels so much nicer when your throat is all clear.

Haha. I'm only a social smoker, but I can't help but agree with you on that feeling. Same goes for any other unhealthy activity. It always feels better after you've done something positive.
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