the hate thread

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immo said:
Np. I also hate hunting (as a hobby). How can someone be so proud of a bear trophee killed with a gun? That's not brave... kicking the bear's ass without guns is brave...

Whats brave you say Kicking the Bears ass ?......granted it takes a brave soldier to kick a bears ass.... It would take a lot of spunk and balls....but a bears got a hell of a sized ass, its a big target!..with a target that size it aint real sport. You just sneak up behind it whoop its ass and run....maybe create a little diversion tactic and fire 20 rounds at the mother. But I reckon to get the respect.....instead of kickin its ass, How about " Lickin its ass " if your gonna lick its ass you got to get real close......find its anus amongst all that fur! Lick the son of a bitch and get the hell outta there...that would take real guts!..thats the sort of soldier I would want in my platoon.
immo said:
you hunt for food, don't you?
Hunting is more that that !
You are with a couple of your friends and you walk all day in the woods,light a fire and cook ,talk and if you come across something you shoot it.
I like to eat what I hunt but most of the times coz I don’t know how to cook them,I give what I hit to friends or my mom and when they cook it they give me a treat.I would never shoot at something and then just let it rot.
And I also dislike the people who do illegal hunting.Like hunting animals that are out of season,using more cells that allowed to or killing as many animals they can and they just remove the heads for trophies and let the rest rot in the forest.
I hang witches in my backyard, but that's it for killing. I leave animals alone.
I hate how the terminator gets his ass kicked majority of the time in judgement day and terminator 3(by a female terminator in 3).

What the fuck he's the terminator!. He's suppose to terminate not get terminated.
Yeah. The Liquid terminator in 2 judgement day just would not back down though. I remember that movied scared the crap out of me when younger because anyone faced with this guy was doomed.

He was liquid returning to form every time, could minupulate peoples voices, and appear to be another human(same with the chick in 3).

In real life alone you would have no chance to get away with these terminators after you.
Nemesis_lxix said:
Seriously,I hate it when people treat animals like shit and I once stopped at the freeway to get a dog who was stuck in the middle (probably abandoned by someone).The poor thing,I almost hit it.

But shooting at a bird or a rabbit doesn’t make me feel that bad.
However,I don’t think I could ever kill a dear.

Never be ashamed of not being able to pull that trigger soldier......its a tough disipline to have the guts to kill something in cold blood. Do what I do Cause I felt the same way as you many years ago. First this is what you need to do.....Driving your truck, Run over any small rodent you see crossing the road....whatever it is? drive onto it and squash it..... next go for the Rabbits or the hares...they are the next size up.......trap them in the headlights that always works, trap em and burst em....Now comes the tricky bit this is where your getting into soldier territory boy. You need to find yourself a dog, and yeah I am saying a dog ..any dog " pet or otherwise " need to make sure theres noOne around either...put out some meat in the road.....and a little milk...... Dogs love milk..take a good run at it , and mow that sucker down. Its a hard thing to do, with it being a dog n all but you got to keep telling yourself "its the next size up"..." its the next size up " Afterwards you will get the feeling of worth....the feeling of having done something for yourself...not having been told offa anyone to do it.....but something that was your own had the idea and you done it .....not "Pa" but you.....not cousin Stuart, but you............. its still a long road soldier....but you will be on the right road. Good Luck.
I hate this thread now. I leave for a couple hours, then once I come back to see if my post had any responses I have to fucking track it down again and then begin catching up through the next 3 pages. STOP POSTING SO FUCKING MUCH.
Amarantus said:
I hate this thread now. I leave for a couple hours, then once I come back to see if my post had any responses I have to fucking track it down again and then begin catching up through the next 3 pages. STOP POSTING SO FUCKING MUCH.
Ppl are too hateful probably =)
MetalNoob said:
:erk: I love Kitties!:headbang:

I love pussies as well :kickass:

Seriously though, anyone who harms animals for fun should be killed; or what ever they do to the animal should be done to them :kickass:
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