The Hate Thread

yes you can, you just choose "show as online for this person" :)

exactly, if they bug you for help for a task, answer and then you get disconnected to not bother more. but if they talk to you again, can not just answer, you must return to be as connected. I hate it :(
today i hate 3/4 of a big pizza and drank 500ml of .... i love to eat more than i can <3

:lol: but you are a big guy, your stomach is bigger than mine
hate you... I love eat but then I have to unbutton my button.
why is it so hard for some people to just do their job? Instead they dont, then lie and try and blame other people when problems occur.
This is googles answer to "kill headache"

You know what I hate? Chafing. When I walk around at work way too fucking much and next thing I know I'm walking around like I just got kicked in the junk.

Fuck you skin, I shall peel you off and be brutal and chafe-free.