The Hate Thread

I hate polish government more than ever. I never wished such painful deaths on presidents and leader of ruling political party. I think i'd rather have islam and suicide bombers oin the streets than those catholunatics, hypocrites, liers and thieves.
who's the one that looks like a lesbian lol

edit: oh it's the prime minister
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Visiting my moms and she is watching movies about Justin Beaver and One Infection. What in the flying fuk is up with the hairdo's? I hope these abominations of creatures get male pattern baldness real soon. I fucking hate these brats.
I hate my fucking neighbour below me. Turns out I managed to land on top of a fucking kebab when I moved to Stockholm, who would have thought right? Yes yes I know I sound like a racist now I know but Im so fucking tired of this guy.

He screams like a motherfucker whenever he talks, think Özz Nûjen, I hear him all the time. He Always has like 5-10 people in his small 1 room apartment. He runs some kind of retarded fucking workshop down there or something, he bangs stuff in the walls and even the ceiling, drags heavy shit on the floor, constantly bangs the radiators all night long?!
This sunday he was up until 5 in the morning making all kinds of fucking noise, same thing monday night. On top of that, when he doesnt have his hoard of friends or family or whoever the fuck he keeps inviting every other day, then he and his girlfriend fight and scream at eachother.
I have lived here for three months and I already hate this fucking place and Im ready to move.
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Yes they are. Not sure if its safe to start a war with him though. Im talking with neighbours right now doing some research on what Im getting myself into, the dude has been living there for 5 years and I got the impression one of my neighbour was a bit scared. For all I know they could be manufacturing bombs down there, no fucking joke.
They were running shop until 5 this morning again. When I went to work around 6 you could still hear some small noise so someone was still awake down there. Mindboggling really.
Protips then:
Blast REMOVE KEBAB on repeat everytime you leave your apartment.
Squeel like a pig.
Occasionaly leave pig's head in front of his door. If possible throw it inside the apartment.
If there will be a noise war Im going to blast Nirvana - Territorial Pissings on repeat 24/7. Kurts manic screams in the end is bound to drive people crazy after a few hours.